Hey guys. I dont know if any of you also have mental health issues but i thought it would be nice if there was a chat just to talk about our experiences with mental abuse. My brother has been trying to gaslight me into thinking my life is pointless lately, and i thought it would be nice to have some people to talk about this kind of stuff lately.
i’ll join, i can talk as well, try to help, and be there for u and others!
I’ve been in your shoes and now that I’m older I do not let them gaslight me or bully me. I’m the oldest not them. Remember to not let anyone put you down. Your stronger and wiser and no one can control you or your life. Take a stand and if you get knock down brush off and stand to confront him. The one that loses is him for trying to hurt you. Do not let anyone put you down use your voice threats are worthless unless there is action.
I’m in. I don’t have siblings but I understand that whole gaslighting thing. My friend do it all the time
I would join a mental health group chat. Thank you
I don’t anymore however I have and having a good support group is awesome. I can certainly say I empathize with anyone struggling. It’s lots of hard work and placing strong boundaries so hugs to anyone who is struggling
Im not sure how to make a group chat so if anyone can make it that would be nice
i would like to join
I always like to chat, I process things through talking so I’d really appreciate being able to join.
late, but I think that’s a great idea for a chat, would join
I’ll join
hey can i join