Mosaic Crochet

Hey all,

I’ve been playing with mosaic crochet patterns over the past two years and they thrill me. I’ve made a throw that is a series of Southwestern Indian patterns in a black/white/grey.

The whole process of making mosaic (results give a similar look to woven tapestries) is stitching along usually in a single crochet and then doing a drop double crochet to cover up the prior row in alternating colors.

I made this topic to display various samples if others are interested.

  • Pat

I would love to see some examples!


Here are some photos of my mosaic afghan.


That looks amazing! I’ve only tried mosaic crochet in tunisian, so far.

It looks gorgeous

I, very briefly, tried this over a year ago. The technique is definitely… Interesting :joy:


Those samples are stunning!
I would have to watch a video to really understand how you do the drop stitches to create those. It seems a bit daunting but also would be fun to step outside my comfort zone and learn some new things with crochet. I love that there is always something new to learn and try out.

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So what you effectively do, is drop down to the previous row, and the stitch just below the one you are currently on, and pick up the front loop with a DC where indicated.