Multiple tornados in Midwest USA

I hope everyone is safe from the storms last night. Another chance tonight too. :frowning: We are in Nebraska but not close to where they hit. Family in Iowa. But safe also. So much destruction. :pray:

Here is a picture that shows the tracks of them. First try though, they are still checking everything out. But … yeah.


Yeah we were luckily safe, lots and friends and family luckily weren’t in any of the tornados path,
Thank goodness there were no deaths. There were over 3 different tornados only hours away from us,
We are lucky nobody was severely injured, especially considering the one tornado was a F5
And made the top 20 worse tornados in rotation.


Hopefully nothing too severe today, :pray:t3:


Last year we had a tornado 1 mile from us, it was early in the morning I was awake looking out the window it was so windy water was leaking in the doors, it calmed down about 20 min later, and then we found out from ppl from there that there was one, we had no idea no alerts nothing, my mom was outside! Putting my chickens in there henhouse bc it was so windy.


Stay safe everyone!


My best friend lives in Nebraska too and she had to take shelter in the staircase at her work yesterday. So glad she was safe. But tornado season and hurricane season are horrific…


Stay safe Ribblrs :purple_heart:


Stay safe everyone
I hope it passes quickly :face_with_peeking_eye:


I have some family in Iowa. My late father was born there. My family members on Facebook have yet to mention any damage, death or injury.


We used to live really close to where some ended up. I haven’t heard of any deaths, some injuries across the two states. But, I haven’t checked lately. I made the mistake of watching some storm chasers. Those guys are crazy. Massive tornadoes. Yuck.

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We luckily didn’t have to take shelter, but a town a half hour to 45 minutes away from us did. All of my family and friends were luckily safe.


We luckily were on the edge and didnt get hit. We are 15 miles away from an area that got hit pretty bad. Someone posted on their story a picture of the tornado and they live close to me. So thankful there were no deaths :purple_heart:

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Unfortunately, some new ones yesterday in Oklahoma did cause deaths. Praying. As much as I love spring, I hate tornado season.

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