My First Attempt at Knitting!

Hello everyone! As always I hope everyone is safe and well :smiling_face: Awhile back I had asked about good starting videos for knitting and since then I actually got caught up in crocheting projects that I didn’t have the chance to check the videos out. Now after I finished all my crochet gifts I had a video recommended to me today to knit for absolute beginners, I decided to give it a try! I watched the video along with what was recommended to me on here

As a crocheter, knitting seemed very daunting and I was hesitant to try, but I figured the worst that could happen would be to frog the project and decided to give it a try with some Red Heart super saver Cherry Red yarn and 5 mm plastic knitting needles I got from my local Dollar Tree. Once I started I had some difficulty, but as I continued I gradually understood how it worked and why so the process became relaxing! Of course this was just the basic steps and I intend to watch more videos and more knitting techniques and stitches, but I’m glad I gave it a shot! For knitters here what type of knitting needles would you recommended? Wooden, metal, plastic, etc. Since I’m new to this I’m not exactly sure how big a difference it could make if any. Also, is there any types of stitches I should learn? For VeryPink Knits a Purl stitch was in the playlist so I’ll be attempting that later, I’ll still be practicing the basics until I’m more comfortable before attempting other stitches as I just started and finished this little rectangle today

Thanks again everyone that recommended and read this far, stay safe out there :grinning: :yarn:

The videos that I watched :smiling_face:

Many people mentioned VeryPink Knits and so I watched this playlist

and this was the other video recomomeded by YouTube that I watched as well How to Knit - for absolute BEGINNERS! - YouTube


Nicely done! :two_hearts:


Very pink knits has her slow motion series, and I really love how she explains things without telling you that the way you are doing it is wrong.
Did you ask about my gloves? Because they are very beginner friendly and I used vpk videos in it.
I think you did a good job, and you should always be proud of expanding your skills


Oh, and I forgot about the needles.
I have a couple of plastic ones, aluminum, steel, nickel, acrylic, pine, and bamboo
The way I explain it is that different types of writing/drawing tools on different surfaces will have different effects in drag and comfort, but it will still be your handwriting. The different materials act different with different yarns and depending on what you are making, you may prefer one over an other.


What medium do you prefer your crochet hook in? I love the aluminum so I got metal knitting needles
By the way, you’re an inspiration to me!


Thank you! :smile:


Thank you! Her videos made a lot of sense and it definitely helped with learning how to hold the working yarn, and your explanation on the needles makes a lot of sense! For your gloves I hadn’t asked since I had yet to even know how to cast on lol :joy:


Thank you! I only have plastic and aluminum and each are different sizes I just work with what I require and similar I have plastic and aluminum knitting needles from my dollar tree lol :rofl: I want to try some wooden needles and hooks though


Very nice job​:heart:


Ah, well if youd like to try, you are welcomed to. They require knit, purl, bind off and a little e method cast on with a slow motion video on how to do it. Then you sew the seams with another slow motion video.


Thank you!


I’ll have to wait and see on that, I’ll have yarn arriving tomorrow for me to crochet a blanket and I’m not sure how long that could take, the end date for the gloves was the 15th of January right?


Yes, I just couldn’t remember if you had or not


This looks great! I tried knitting once and got something very similar to yours! Now, dont be like me and continue with the practice!
Ahhhh i should do the same as well! :heart:


Ooo you should if you have the time! There’s so many great knitting patterns here to try :smile:


yee there are @ArtsAndNaps i have some free knitting patterns you can try