My Testimony…

Hello everyone!
I’m going to be sharing my testimony on this post. I have never really gone in depth before about my testimony and honestly I don’t really want to. But the Lord is telling me I need to share it, if it encourages or leads even one person to Christ that is all I pray.

Before I begin I just wanted to point out that this is not to be boastful, nor to draw attention to myself. All I want is to share how I came to Christ. I will be talking about some sensitive subjects including mental health, if that is triggering in anyway for you this is your warning. Please be kind, this is hard to share and very vulnerable for me to talk about. :two_hearts:

Here we go…
Since the beginning I’ve always been a “Christian” now I say this because my family and I always went to church and did all the right things. We were “good” people. To say the least I was lukewarm most of my life, I knew God but didn’t have a relationship and it became more of a religion. That’s how most of my life was, comfortable and steady. And even thought we were Christians we were worldly. Fast forward to 2020, this is where things started to go downhill. Because of all the isolation like many other people I began feeling lonely. Over time I became more and more overcome with anxiety because of the world around me, extreme depression took over my life along with all the other mental problems that come with depression. I began hating God, I called out to him with anger and sadness asking “God why are you letting me be this way, why are these things happening to me?” “If you were a loving God why would you allow this?” So I turned from God, I looked for ways to heal my mind but nothing seemed to work. Every day I woke up wishing I hadn’t. I hit rock bottom and I never thought I would be able to be happy again. My Mom saw my pain and she was just beginning to start a true real and new relationship with Christ. She shared things with me from the Bible to encourage me, but I hated it. It was annoying to me and I thought “How could this possibly fix me?” Over time things very slowly started to get better. My Mother was praying over me and I know she was also praying for me behind closed doors. I don’t know how but by some miracle I starting to listen more to what she was teaching me and I started accepting God slowly into my life again. ONLY by the grace of God was I saved. If it wasn’t for him I don’t know where I would be today or if I even would be here. September of 2021 I handed my life over to Christ and got baptized to declare it. I haven’t been perfect and there were times where I strayed away. But now more than ever this year I have grown so close to God. I cannot even describe it.

I pray that someone will feel encouraged by my short version testimony. This is not my story but Gods and he is continuing to write it as I am writing this. If you have any other questions about my testimony please feel free to reach out, I’m willing to answer any questions. And if you made it this far thank you for reading it means a lot to me. :relieved::two_hearts:


Thats amazing and it’s wonderful to see how God can work in our lives! Would you say there were any specific verses that really touched your heart or convicted you?


this is wonderful im so glad you found Christ and have grown closer to him! I love reading testimonies and seeing how much God changes peoples life’s! :white_heart:


that is awesome! <3


One of the verses that really helped ground me in a time of trials was this one:

“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭41‬:‭10‬ ‭


I love this. This gives me so much encouragement to grow closer to him :heart:


I appreciate you sharing your testimony;
I really did need it. I go to a Christian private school and feel forced into that religion. My parents force me to go to church every Wednesday and Sunday. Every week I put on a face; inside I hate going to church and find it very boring. I feel like I don’t have the time for it in my life.

I have two older brothers with different reputations and impressions in my life. One is extremely strong in God’s Word, while the other listens to worldly music and doesn’t care when I curse; me and him make fun of him for being so “religious” and “Godly.” Just this morning we were laughing in the restroom about how he quoted Scripture when he hears my brother listening to worldly music; I feel very ashamed.

Today in Bible class we were randomly on the topic about caffeine and how it can affect ours lives in both positive and negative ways. We become addicted and have trouble escaping or getting off of it. I have become addicted to the wrong things and have a hard time getting away from it. My brother has not been a help and has only made it worse. Does anyone have any tips to get back in God’s Word?? I feel like I don’t have time in my life to read His Word daily.


This is very inspiring, I love hearing these miracle stories and I’m so glad you shared :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I have a lot of tips that have helped me! If it would help I can make a whole topic about it?


Yes please :pray: Feel free to always message me privately


I get just how you feel, and at first I felt the same way. I hated church and felt forced and like it was just for nothing. Thank you for sharing your story, and I pray that you will learn to love God again. Not by being forced but out of love for Him. If you ever wanna chat privately in always here! :two_hearts:


Thank you. Yours prayers are needed and appreciated