Need help!!

Hi everyone,
i usually crochet but i want to sew a skirt does anyone have any tips it is a" Coquelicot skirt"
here is a pic of what i think i want, to make or something like this
Screenshot 2024-02-20 7.18.10 PMyoutube video ( idk if this is the designer)
my skill level is beginner ,i have only sewn a bag with a machine , and a skirt by hand
Coquelicot Skirt pattern link
I am going to use a sewing machine, any advice is helpful ,but i would like some advide about lacing and sizing in general. Thank you for reading


Hmmmmmm idk. I sorta sew but not enough to give advice srry


its ok thanks


Yw i would help if i could


I think you’ll get the info you’re looking for if you share your skill level and specific types of advice you need.

Have you ever sewed clothing or anything else before? Do you know your sewing machine well? If so what’s the most complex garment/thing you’ve made?

If you’re looking for advice on making a specific garment, please share the link, or see if there are people talking in the chats here or on YouTube, reddit, etc. who already made it.

I used to sew extensively but rarely do these days, I prefer yarn. Have fun trying out a new craft!


alight i will add more details


thank you @suettle for the advice


You’re quite welcome! Here is some basic advice (not everyone will agree but this is what has worked for me when I’ve taught others to sew):

The person in this video says they did not use that specific pattern, and you can see it’s quite different from their inspiration pattern which you can find
The inspiration pattern is rated as advanced beginner or intermediate.

  1. I suggest you make a practice piece with your machine before tackling something more complex, like a simple circle skirt or PJ pants.
    Start with a store-bought pattern similar to the skirt you want. Find one rated easy or for beginners. Printing and assembling the pattern or following an online tutorial to make your own pattern is a lot of extra work for a beginner on their first machine sewn garment project.
    If you can’t stand the thought of that, try using cheap fabric (muslin, an old sheet, etc.) to make a practice skirt using this pattern. You can make it in your size to get the fit right or start with an American Girl doll sized skirt to go faster and learn the construction techniques.

  2. Know your measurements! Use a flexible measuring tape made for this purpose. Waist and hip, plus how long you want the skirt to be. Get someone else to help measure you if you can.

  3. When using any pattern, check the measurements of the pieces against your measurements. For a downloaded pattern, trace it onto large pieces of tissue paper or cheap fabric and pin them together, then carefully try it on. It’s heartbreaking to make a lovely garment that turns out to be too small.

You can easily find many tutorials for all of these suggestions online, a good place to start would be Joann’s Apparel Field Guide at Projects & Learning - Classes, Events & Project Ideas. This can help you get some of the basic terminology and concepts down.

For lacing, the best advice I can give you is to practice on fabric scraps from your project. It can be tricky making the eyelet holes whether they will be sewn or you will use metal grommets (which can be applied with a hammer or a special grommet plier tool)


thank you so much , I will definitely use this info, i will practice with other garments before going into this project , and i plan to not do this right at this moment , and will get more practice , thank you again ,


I do this for quilting but good advice for sewing a long piece. Alternate which way you sew each seam. So if you sew from top to bottom your first seam the the second sew bottom to top. It keeps the rows more even at the end. That looks like a simple skirt to make. Very pretty


thank you