Need some advice

I get frustrated very easily lately, a lot of it is due to very high chronic pain/illness issues. Some is autism. Its making learning crochet a large challege. I know people have recommend rings and egornomic hooks. Ive tried the egornomic hooks, tried them and they help sometimes. I am weird and like chrocheting with teeny tiny hooks :unamused::sweat_smile: I get so frustrated it exubutates some symtoms and its hard to feel continuing is a good idea. I want to soooo bad.

I have a ring now to try and may tonight, its a high pain day though and Iā€™m flaring now so unsure :upside_down_face:

Some encouraging words or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks everyone :heart:


I think you really should continue crocheting!! Try putting on a TV show or playing music in the background, so you can also listen to that too!!


Thank you :blush: I found a pattern I want to try. I may do a coaster to practice more first


Well, I wish you the best of luck!!


The things we love always seem to hurt usā€¦. :smiling_face_with_tear::smiling_face_with_tear:

You said you tried ergonomic hooks but have you tried those grips that you can add to any hook?? That way you can use your tiny hooks! lol I love using the tiny hooks too and I HAVE to use my grip because itā€™s just too tiny to continue for too long I can imagine that would be even worse with chronic pains. I found mine on Amazon but I saw the same pack at Joanneā€™s. Theyā€™re just like the pencil grips you can add to a pencil but not rubber. I also like to do some stretches of my arms and neck and hands/fingers as well before and after crocheting for awhile if you havenā€™t already tried that!
Hereā€™s a pic of the gripsā€‹:yellow_heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart:


Shameless self promotion, i have several free patterns in my shop. One of which is very beginner friendly!

I like to listen to podcasts or youtube or a series on netflix when i crochet


@Jbear13 I would love to try those, Iā€™ve been trying to find them. Do you have a amazon link? Our Joannā€™s didnā€™t have them the last time I looked :sob: I almost have half a mind to buy pencil grips from the dollar tree to try! Curious if thatā€™d work honestly :joy:

@Eandccraft Iā€™ll check your patterns out for sure! :heart:


lol I mean hey nothing a little electrical tape or something for padding canā€™t fixā€‹:joy::joy::joy: let me go find the link tho for you!


@Eandccraft funny story I actually wishlisted your wash cloths, theyā€™re super cute. Iā€™ll download one :slight_smile:


Tape can fix everything :wink: :joy:


ā€œSusan Bates Crochet Hook Cushion Grips 3.75"ā€-2/Pkg"

Letā€™s see if this works lol


Let me know if the link takes you to the right place


i totally get this. i was the same way. for me i work with yarn that was sensory friendly to me, like chenille yarns and some brands of weight 4 acrylic yarns. that was a life changer to me and made me want to love crochet. watching videos really help too, i watch youtubers that make me happy and then also shows that give off good vibes to my brain that also donā€™t require much attention, such as bluey. eventually youā€™ll find what works for you and you can get through this. i hope you continue to learn! :heart_hands:


Ooh!! And have you tried those compression type gloves? Theyā€™re supposed to help with pain too but I like the ones that cover your fingers more (specifically the index) so you donā€™t get the ā€œyarn burnā€ lol. That was a turn off for me when I first started crocheting


@Jbear13 it did thanks :blush:

@ajaxii i totally get the sensory stuff! I try to use yarns that have a nice feeling texture for me. I also try and find videos that are more soothing and not fast paced. I sometimes try an ambience or asmr or soothing music when crocheting or using my loom. It can help it seems. Ive been able to do audibooks easier with the loom once i got a hold of it, hope the same for crochet!


I have some compression gloves! I have to be careful since my hands swell a lot :unamused: I use a brace around my wrist, that has helped. I somehow have avoided yarn burn xD


So youā€™re already decked out in the crochet gear :tipping_hand_woman::tipping_hand_woman: good! lol I hope you can get those grips and they help with your tiny hook projects!


Pain makes everything harder! :disappointed: I am ND and have arthritis and carpal tunnel and have to limit how much I crochet, especially since I have to be on a computer a lot at work. Carpal tunnel exercises and Imak compression gloves help me but I know others mentioned that. I also try to watch my tension and not work too tightly since that puts extra strain on my hands. I think someone else mentioned about finding yarn and hooks that play well together and donā€™t cause sensory issues. I cannot stand it when yarn and hook feel squeaky together. My favorite hooks are Clover amour (Iā€™ve tried other more expensive ergo hooks and they didnā€™t work as well for amigurumi for me) and I like 100% cotton yarn.
I know you said you like working with very small hooks, but going to extremes can be hard for beginners. I think itā€™s easiest to learn with a medium weight yarn and appropriate hook size, then as you build confidence itā€™s easier to scale up or down. Whatever you decide, I hope you find a way to enjoy learning crochet. It should not be torture! :blush::yarn:


Iā€™ve seen people use egg shaped makeup sponges ( like the fancy ones called Beauty Blenders) that you can obtain from the Dollar Tree- they poke the crochet handle through to create a super big and cushy ergonomic handle and they swear that it helps alleviate hand pain. Might be worth a shot! Wishing you lots of luck!


Im not doing extremes on purpose. Its way easier for me smaller.