This is something I thought of while organizing all my crocheting stuff so could be senseless
But if ribblr could add a feature that’s on both the designer page/community page that’s a little notepad where we could write down what we are working on, need to do, etc. because i know I get lost and forget to do a bunch of stuff or forget what I’m doing for a collab
The use would be for writing anything that needs to be done, such as collab patterns, testing stuff, ideas, really anything that people could easily forget about. I usually loose papers i write it down on, and my personal notesapp gts realy crowded andi foget its there, havingit on the ribblr app/site would hopefully provide a reminder. placement for the notes could be next to the chat, or it could be a pop up that you can easily pull up on the home, community and shop page so its accessible from anywhere on the site!
In the general profile area, to write reminders for yourself
In the make area would be good so you can say what changes you made to the pattern or clarify confusing pattern instructions. As long as you don’t use that area to “bash” the designer
EDITED TO ADD perhaps such notes should be only readable by the profile owner. I don’t need to read other people’s notes and there is no need for them to read mine