So I ordered some Big Twist Posh with the new Ribblr x Joann collab, and I am hooked.
I ordered 3 skeins and they were delivered last night. I ADORE how squishy it is. It reminds me of bernat blanket’s denseness and squishiness but a thinner strand so it’s the size of premier parfait/sweet snuggles lite.
If you’ve been on the fence, I would highly recommend. The stitch definition is amazing, and there is very little fluff running about (even less so than when I use Bernat Blanket). I’m going to try to post photos of finished projects with it later today, but man, definitely a new favorite for amigurumi!
It’s my favorite! I love how little it sheds. I do wish there was a bulkier version of it too, but sometimes I just double strand it to make bigger version of plushies if I don’t have the color I want in blanket yarn. Most of the makes I’ve posted have been done with posh!
That looks so cute! I love those colors, ill definitely have to get more.
@RainbowPenguin2 That pink!! Looks adorable on the turtle. Now Im debating if I wanna make a little strawberry pillow out of posh!
@artbycarlydawn I love those makes! Doubling up is a great idea. I definitely prefer their green shades over other blanket yarn greens so ill have to give doubling up a go!
Me too. Posh is my favorite type of yarn along with baby bear and the color selection is so wide and beautiful. And the stitch definition!!! Yeah I have every color and an entire shelf! IMG_17356739730745887356537986608888|666x500