I AM the oldest and i WOULD like to be added
I’m the oldest of 2!
I honestly don’t understand how someone could neglect their child.
My mother has 13 and she loves and spends time with all of us and so does my dad
Hehe sorry I guess I’m not really neglected, they just kinda like my brothers and sisters more than me (they have reason to) they won’t say that but I can tell it’s true. Sorry for being depressing lol
Oldest of 3 (but I have a twin so i’m barley older age wise)
I feel neglected even though I’m the oldest. My younger siblings always need something and when i need something i never get what i need
Id love to join i have 2 younger siblings
I’m the second oldest out of 5 kids, can I join? I got 3 younger brothers!
I’m the oldest of 11 siblings we lost one 3 yrs ago.
I’m so sorry for your loss
I’m older of 4 sisters!
Thank you.
I’m the oldest of 2 brothers
Yes, same
I’m the oldest of 2 siblings! (Out of 3 if my dog counts, bc sometimes, parents are taking more care of him than me)
Ommgg yesss!! I’m the oldest of 2
I’m the second oldest! I have 3 little sisters and one big brother but he’s a lot older than me. He’s 18 lol
Can I join still?
I have 1 younger sibling like to be added