Parfait chunky colors??

A while ago I ordered a few shades off of Amazon that are no longer available on premier (Strawberry, and blackberry) (honestly blackberry isnt the nicest purple shade the have, but strawberry was lovely)

Were they discontinued? I wanna know where they went :smiling_face_with_tear:


Hmm, when I went on the official site I didn’t see it, or at least I think I didn’t see it, but when I searched Premier parfait chunky strawberry on Amazon I did find it I think if you just go on Google or your preferred search engine and search that you’ll get results for shops selling them, I didn’t see if they discontinued though I wonder if they just ran out or something and temporarily removed it? I guess from now on occasionally go back to the premier store and see if they have it back in stock but in the meantime find ways to buy it elsewhere lol


I don’t use this yarn, or this type even, but I can say that if it’s discontinued, you will probably pay a lot more for it on Amazon than picking another color


I’m guessing that it has been discontinued longer than 7 months because that’s how long I’ve been using it & I’ve never heard of those 2 colors


I don’t think they’ve had that packaging in a good while, so I assume so!


Its crazy because they’re the same price!! Premier dropped some yardage and the yarn is now slightly thicker, but both are 4.99!! It’s very similar to Poppy (another red) either way…


If they did discontinue it, it’s a shame it was a lovely shade…until then I’ll buy it off Amazon :slight_smile: