Pattern Testers and Live Chats

Hi! Could someone tell me how to get to the live chat? I can’t find it anywhere for some reason. Also, is there a limit to the number of pattern testers you can have? Or any upsides and downsides to having a lot? (I have nine people who would like to test it but most people have only three testers so I’m not sure how many I should accept)


I’m pretty sure there’s no live chat but there’s a group chat for all ribblrs. There is no limits on how many patterns you make. And it’s great to have many testers just in case the others don’t complete in time!! Your welcome :] I hope you get well from chemo and Hodgkin’s Lymphoma !!


Thank you! My last round of chemo should be this Friday. :partying_face:


I like to have at least 5 testers it gives variety andlots of fresh eyes on a also shows people how you can work up the pattern in different colours, with different yarns etc providing more scope to inspire people to buy :slight_smile: