I was just wondering if you all would be interested in some Pixel grid patterns! Ive made lots of them in the last 2 years or so. I dont know if thats something yall would like or not. I know following the grid you can make almost anything; alpha friendship bracelets, wall hangings etc
Let me know if interested, maybe ill post a tester call for it. I think you can do that with pixel grids?
Example: I have small & medium sized patterns!
But like for crochet : wall hanging or sweaters etc
You work in rows! Starting in the right bottom box , left down the row, turn , repeat and work up
So in this photo above : Each row has 42 boxes
•I would start with a border color lets say white. Chain 42 +1 and sc in each stitch =42sc
•Now, The furthest box in the bottom right is (orange). Each box will be a sc! Thats it all the way acoss in rows. Changing out what ever the color is
If you use the grid for friendship bracelets. You would start in the top left box! And do the same thing but with embroidery floss & knotting across
Yeah! Its different and i like seeing them. Ive actually never crocheted with the grids. But ive seen how to do them. I just make the patterns but maybe ill step out of my comfort zone and try it!
Iwould. I want to start doing some whenever I get my Halloween show over with. Im not real experienced. Also If it works with perler beads, too that would be awesome. Thanks!
Pixel grids are awesone. And they work for so many things. Like c2c ,granny squares and tapestries. And even outside crochet theres crossstitch, lego dots, pearler, and diamond painting . There could be so many people with loads of different crafts that would appreciate these.
This is cool! Would definitely use something like this. You could also get pretty good sales on this specific pattern considering it is almost Halloween and people love spooky stuff.