Please help

Hello my name is Evie. I’m going to be 18 this next year and I want to do something to remember. My little brother has been sick his entire life he has what the doctors call CVID ( I know it looks a lot like Covid it’s not). He is missing two of the three antibodies for an immune system. It has been very hard for all of us but we make it through. I’m trying to get a fundraiser going to get a purifier mask, it will help it not be so hot like his cloth mask and it will give him purified air and people will be able to see his face because it is clear in the front. But I was just putting this on here because if anyone would like to share any patterns that I can make that would be so much appreciated and I will even shout you out on the sale. I will not take your pattern and sell it. I’m just trying to do a nice thing for someone in need and I know this might look a little weird since it’s my little brother but if I knew anyone else with this I would do this for them too. Thank you for even looking at this and love to all. I love this community :heart: The picture is me and him lol


what is your crochet level? beginner, intermediate or advanced? i have many patterns saved for all levels!


(I don’t mean to sound rude, am just half asleep)

It’s really sweet of you to help your brother, is there any of my patterns that you would like?I’ll gift it to you :purple_heart:


I can do all. I have been doing this for many years.


I’m not sure in the past I’ve copied patterns by ready the actual product (how many stitches); I’d say in the middle I was knitting and crocheting clothes at 14 and made my first bassinet blanket when my my now cousin of 3o’swas born.


okay! i’ll share some that would definitely sell!


Thank you so much


here are some patterns! i tried to find ones they are free but there are some in here that cost a couple dollars! here is my wishlist too!

Harumin Top: Crochet pattern | Ribblr + HARUMIN PANTS GRANNY SQUARE: Crochet pattern | Ribblr (set)


Hi . I hope your fundraiser raises enough money for your brother. It’s such a kind thing that your doing for him.

Here is my wish list. There are lots of patterns you could use. I hope it helps. Anything useful is probably the best to sell.

I love Scrunchies, their easy to make and don’t take long. Maybe that’s something you might be interested in.

Don’t know if you celebrate Christmas but that could be something that could increase your fundraising profit because everyone always likes to get gifts early before Christmas

Keychains or bookmarks are really nice and useful.

I love this one as it always put a smile on your face.
FREE Crochet Pattern Happy Face: Crochet pattern | Ribblr?

Maybe some coasters, they don’t take long to make. Maybe 8 for $10, either a pack of 6 or 8. I think that’s probably a good amount since that is probably the average table sizes

Anything cute like this minion is always a favourite. It’s free at the moment if that helps
Minions Airpods Drawstring Pouch: Crochet pattern | Ribblr?

Done some testing for Cloud 9 Atelier recently. Her patterns are free and really nice and easy to make. I think she has some more on the way soon. Her patterns are amazing.


Thank you so much


Hello! If you would like to make my patterns, please tell me. And you could tell me if they are correctly writen in English. (I’m from Spain)
My shop


I will thank you so much