Hi, please read this. And PLEASE reply I BEG YOUUU LITERALLY… I wanna start my own small biz of knitwear (handmade). I need a few tips + some things that I wanna ask you as I am just 16… OK… First, my biz (or shop…) is gonna have handmade knit stuff like shawls/scarves (mostly…cuz they’re simple…) and also maybe some shrugs but not sure cuz they are a lil hard and I have really tough studies. So, I’m thinking of creating an insta account and launching it in may-june cuz that’s when my exams are over…Yet, I am from Pakistan and this sorta stuff isn’t really common here + here, nobody LITERALLY would pay $150 for a triangular garter stitch shawl…so what if it’s handmade? So, I’m aiming at an international level…and I understand that many people would have trust issues and I don’t have enough budget for a website. I thought that as a start, I could maybe do a contract before payment and then after recieving payment, I take 6-10 weeks for knitting it (more or less depending on size) and send to the customer? So, I BEG you to PLEASE reply to this post and tell me, would YOU consider buying from me then? Also, how much would YOU pay for this made-on-order shawl and scarf and shrug attached below:
Also, if u have any tips, please reach out. Lastly, I wanna create an insta account and MAYBE start the biz once I reach 500-1k followers so that I have some customers at least…What do you think??? PLESASE COMMENT OR DM I NEED UR HELP GUYSSS!!!
Well I don’t knit, but I could just crochet a shawl for myself. Being someone who couldn’t make it for myself, I think $100 would be max. Also non-crafters don’t understand the time, effort, and cost it took to make that in the first place.
Im no business owner, but maybe make some less expensive stuff that would be easier to make so you can get some starting orders; build your brand, get some reviews and then make bigger stuff thats more expensive. that way people feel more safe buying 150 dollars worth of stuff. And having quality photos is very important!
Good luck with your business :)
I would say start an instgram account and begin to build your customer base. People love seeing what you make. So if your open to customs or premade it’s a start point.
Etsy might be worth looking into and just as a reminder this is art. To build on it you will find a lot of people will admire it, plus there will be lots who would pay decent prices for your art. Find a good method to help you calculate a good price and go from there.
Also look into places on the web where you can possibly create your own website too. Use social media to advertise it does help.
Etsy seems to be the only website where you can sell your ready made items. Ribblr does but it’s stuff you’ve made on patterns on this platform only if I recall correctly.