Please watch out for scammers on Instagram

I almost got scammed on Instagram. These will be seemingly nice people who “fell in love with your work” . This nice woman has a graddaughter who wants an amigurumi figure of spiderman, lets say. She’ll pay you $200, “if that isn’t to stiff”. You see it’s her granddaughters birthday.
Oh, but the money has to come out of some special account and it has to be an electronic check. They just need your name and bank name.
If people won’t do PayPal, just report them. Don’t engage, just report them.
This person is targeting crafters on IG, and has been reported at least twice and they still have an account.
Please be careful out there!


Theres an account I follow currently sharing this happening with scammers trying to use Zelle to scam people.
It seems an on going scam, people need to be aware of. Very easy to get caught out when excited about making a sale


I had an odd one that wanted to buy an item I posted on it. When I told them it wasn’t for sale they seemingly got upset and kept offering more and more. Eventually I just blocked them I assumed it was a scam since it’s only about 4 inches tall, it was a rough test amigurimi full of mistakes, not custom in any way, and they got up to offering 250$.

I do think they’re trying to take advantage of people who are new or who possibly haven’t made sales yet.

I hope everyone keeps their head up, it’s best to make sales on marketplaces rather then private like that if you’re new and vulnerable. Even bigger creators get hit by the scammers but they’re in a better position to decide if it’s worth the risk and if they can absorb possible loss then newer creators are. :slightly_frowning_face:


Never give your bank info to anyone that you did not contact directly through the proper channels for the purpose of discussing your bank info.
Never buy gift cards and give the pin number to anyone that you did not contact for the purpose of exchanging gifts with.
Never entertain the offer to buy or sell anything from anyone that wants to deal in anything other than the usual safe payment processing methods.


I reported her too! Same song and dance. She wanted a Owlee doll for her daughter. Wouldn’t give me specifics just wanted it. Then got really weird about payment.


This is why I campaigned so hard for people to be cautious of posts in ribblr for tester calls by people that did not have a shop and wanted you to go to a third party link to “fill out an application” to apply to test. Pfft