Post 3-5 Ribblr Patterns...

but they have to be ones in your current crafting queue!! (and not your own patterns. c’mon now lol)
Not tagging cuz it might be annoying or something? I dunno
These are in no order of importance btw

This one sparked a conversation and I think about it at least once a day. I want to finish my sock gifts so, SO badly so I can make this. Something about it just looks so homey and cozy. I want to gift it to a friend but I also want to add it to my wardrobe? It has a nice “tomboy” appeal for me, too. (not to be weird about it lol)

by Stat1jewel

I have to buy a cotton yarn with a more drapey feel to it but I want to make these for my back kitchen window every time I walk in there. Look at how gorgeous the color and the piece is. LOOK AT IT!!!

by EntreTejidosCrochet

I think about this one often–as in every time I walk to the store. I only have black cotton yarn in this size and don’t have the correct needles or hook. Woe unto me…
Btw would black yarn be ugly or…?

by Wylde & Plumb