Potentially hot takes i have about the main chat

Hello lovely ribbot army <3 Ive been active in the community for a while especially in the chat spaces. Ive seen the chats morph as new people join and old people leave. Here are some of my potentially hot takes about the chats!
1 People venting. Look i get it I need to vent sometimes too but this is a main chat? everyone in ribblr can see it? and alot of times they don’t include trigger warnings over sensitive topics. Please people either include trigger warnings or vent in private groups (even then you should add trigger warnings <3)
2 Ill just be having a conversation with multiple people and someone will come in and start chaos. Either join the conversation or wait. Pretend its like real life because sometimes our conversations actually have meaning in them.
3 if someone asks a question dont respond idk? either dont say anything or offer advice. Wether its just like check blank store if they want yarn help or if you dont have anything to say but dont want to seem like you are ignoring them say no I dont sorry. Idk just always seems rude and dismissive ESPECIALLY when followed up by their own question.
4. The all caps spaming with not rhyme or reason. Ive seem this happen so many times and its really annoying. Especially while trying to have conversations with people.
Remember these are just my hot takes please dont take any of them personally <3 What are your ribblr chat hot takes?


I agree with ALL of those. Especially the venting. I’ve considered leaving several chats because of some of the stuff/words said.


Exactly. Venting is fine and very human but make a vent gc? ask if you can vent? add trigger warnings? some stuff said can cause people to relapse and they wont even know to avoid it because they need to read it to know the content


I totally agree with most of these. I am definitely guilty of the all caps spamming i apologize for that and will deff try to tone it down a lot. I agree with the venting thing too. Like a lot of people are talking about heavy subjects and triggering topics and its waayyy too much at once. Also with the questions thing, like i feel like people just kind of ignore people who are asking questions and i personally find it pretty annoying when people do that, so i try my best to respond to questions even if i dont have a great answer. And also yeah people have been starting way too many convos at once and at maybe not the best times
just my thoughts
i hope this at least makes somewhat sense


Its just super overwhelming when everyone is screaming bevause i read caps as screaming so its a bunch of yelling random words at eachother. But goad to know im not the only one


Not mention when in the craft chat two of the same people are having random discussions that aren’t craft related! I as well as some other have reminded them and it keeps happening.


ive just started to flag people when things are craft related. And they wonder why they are always on hold…


I feel really guilty about this. I’m so sorry, and I’ll definitely hold off on this. If you ever see me doing anything that makes you feel this way- tell me. I WILL stop. I’ll try my absolute best to keep it all in the chaos gc. The one time I talked about a sensitive issue, I did add a trigger warning and didn’t mention anything too specific, so I hope that wasn’t something on my part. Again, I’m extremely sorry, and if you feel this way about anything I’ve done, TELL ME. I WILL stop. I’m definitely an offender of the chaos and I’m sorry. The questions thing I’m lucky not to have experienced as people typically answer my questions, so ty for that. Consider this my apology to everyone that I’ve made feel this way. I love Ribblr and I love the people here, and it’s never my intention to disturb anyone. For a final time, if I ever disturb anyone, TELL ME AND I WILL STOP. Thank you.
~ Axo


Honestly you really shouldn’t feel bad about this because if people were bothered by it (I wasn’t bothered at all :smiley:) they should have told you! (There’s no way for people to know what they are doing bothers someone unless you tell them :blush:) Because from the few times I looked at the general chat when I was tagged it really seemed like the people who were on ribblr at the time seemed to really be enjoying it :heart::laughing:!!


It did seem like that, that’s the only reason I continued. But since I’ve learned that other seem to not like it as much, I’ve decided to keep it to the chaos gc.


if i wasn’t bothered do you think i would have made this post? I dont mind when people do this occasionally but it has happened numerous timez. Ive been a people pleaser throughout my whole life. Ive said this multiple times in chat and nothing stopped. This message is not ment as mean and i am so so sorry if it comes off that way. But i do know many others have started avoiding chat because of these issues l


I promise it’s completely okay. I made this post so it didnt seem like complete targeting (which its not I promise pooks) but multiple peopke have been doing it and people have been avoiding main chat because of this. You seem like such a sweet person I just wish i could have a genuine conversation with you <3


Oh my gosh, this is a huge relief to me. What I’ve gathered about you is that you’re a genuinely nice person and I would love to chat with you. the possibility of hurting you hurt me :sob: Thank you so freaking much.


No no no, I’m saying now that they know they can do better to not annoy anyone on ACCIDENT! :smiley: (I’m not trying to say that people weren’t bothered by it, but that how were they supposed to know before you made this post :heart:! )


Ofc <3 I try to remain calm and positive. I really hope i van get to know you better!


Absolutely! I’ll try to tone down on the venting because I understand that not everyone wants to talk about what’s going on with me lol :joy:. I am very guilty of venting and spamming so my bad.


I agree with all these :3 I understand exactly where ur coming from 🫶🏻 and ik u didn’t say anything but I know it bothers u when I js yap and yap ab the same guy over and over again so I know I need to tone that down aswell :sob::saluting_face: anyways yeah totally agreee


Its okay <3


You gotta listen to usss also its okay <3


I agree 100% with all of this. The main chat has been extremely overwhelming and is hard to keep up with at times . I especially agree with the venting part though as the main chat has discussed topics out of the blue that are personally triggering so I am not able to be as active as I would like with the community and have had to take a step back from the gc(which is why my replies have been so dry). Overall, I am aware most are not doing these things to intentionally cause distress, but it would be nice if we could all be mindful of others.:two_hearts: