Question about burnout

Hey guys, I just wanted to ask how some of y’all don’t get burn out while making so much stuff? Like I’m fighting it big time right now and I just wanna find better ways to deal with it!


I wish I could tell you, I’ve been struggling too, especially with school.


I think it’s more normal than people realize and everyone deals with it to some degree, so it’s great you’re opening a dialogue about it. :smiling_face:

Two things I like to do when I’m starting to feel that way are 1.) Try a different hobby or revisit an old one and/or 2.) Foray into something I haven’t tried before with crochet/knit. For example, if I have only been working on amigurumi, I will switch gears to garments or household items; if I’ve only been crocheting I’ll work on knitting. Both of these solutions give my brain something new and shiny to focus on, and I sometimes find that even after just a short time of giving myself a mental breather to focus on something else, I feel my burnout dissipating. The added bonus is often those activities can be great sources of inspiration and renew creative energy.

The other thing I’m a big proponent of is just succumbing to the burnout and letting it run its course because I feel like it’s often our brain telling us we need to take a break for whatever reason or perhaps that we are neglecting some other aspect of ourselves/our lives that need attention and nourishment. So, the burnout becomes a time of curiosity and introspection trying to ascertain what that might be and invest more energy there for the time being. A lot of the time, I come back refreshed and invigorated just from letting myself take that break.

I know that’s probably not super helpful, but that is what has historically worked for me.
Regardless, I hope you find something that works for you :purple_heart:


Thank you so much, I’ll keep all of that in mind!


i like to have multiple different projects going at once so whenni grt bored of one, i can switch to another. like my sweater is smth i work on when i need to not really think ab what im making


One way i deal with burn outs is to take sometime either before a project or after a project and do something unrelated to crochet;
*Go for a walk
*Play with my dog/chinchilla
*Take a nap
*Call/text a friend/family member
*Play games
*Clean house/yard
Just about anything other than deal with anything related to crochet. Or maybe just do organization and inventory of what i have to prepare for the next round!


Honestly every month or so that happens for a week or so. Also I get ill from my condition. Honestly the only way is to take a break and refuel with something different like finding a second creative hobby or finding a different part to focus on. When im ill i write up my patterns amd design new ones.