What is your least favorite stitch to crochet? I don’t know if this counts but I hate making magic rings.
Thank you @CrochetCritters04 for giving me this question idea.
My least favorite stitch is anything that’s not a single crohcet,lol.
I don’t like crochet tr crochets, I got so used to dc and instead of yarning over twice I keep forgetting and I yarn over once, then I realize I have to go back
This is an interesting question, idk if i have a least favorite stitch but sometimes i get so bored with sewing pieces onto ami, does that count
Probably triple crochet. The huge spaces make me mad, and I have to pull through too many loops.
if i’m doing something non-amigurumi, single crochet is my least favorite stitch. it just takes FOREVER and i am so impatient i much prefer doing dcs or even tr.
if i am doing something amigurumi, i don’t think i hate a particular stitch, but i hate when i have to do bobble stitches bigger than 4 dc lol. it just starts getting difficult after that.
For me, it’s either double treble (I always lose count) or the star stitch. I just can’t seem to do the star stitch.
the slip stitch but only when it’s like doing them in rows. singular slip stitches are fine
I hate bobble stitches
I hate the magic ring and when you do a lot of slip stitches in a row.
Slip stitch. It’s SO HARD to put your hook though them
Slip stich, i always do it to tight and then my peice curls or i cant get my hook back into it
I can’t be the only one who is completely creeped out by the crocodile stitch, right?
Personally I don’t like the loop stitch like it’s not hard but it just takes a really long time to make something with it
I hate bubble stitches
Reverse loop stitches are the worst!
Treble crochet i
Invisible decrease
I would say, the reverse single crochet, or slip stitch. They’re both pretty frustrating, but I especially hate having to slip stitch onto chains… that’s the worst (imo).