Thank you for the question idea @CrochetCritters04
What surprised you the most when you learned how to crochet? Definitely how addicting it is.
How often the yarn at Hobby Lobby goes on sale. Every other week!!!
Probably like technically how easy it is like it’s repetitive stitches. You don’t have to learn a new stitch for every project. but somehow it’s not repetitive or boring
Probably that i was making amazing beautiful creations with a long piece of string.
That I spend most of my time in my room making amazing things. And that hobby lobby has amazing sales every other week.
I think how addicting it is+how beautiful is all the yarn and how addicting is buying yarn+how good it feels when you finish a long WIP+how awesome crochet community is here on Ribblr.
The fact that we can literally make anything out of a ball of yarn+how long it takes to make things+how much my hands hurt after working on something for hours+how amazing the crochet community is
That you can make fabric with a piece of string, that I can make toys, that there are so many different hook sizes, and that it doesn’t matter how much yarn you buy, it’s never enough!
How much velvet and blanket yarn cost compared to wht i started with. acrylic.
I also look at my hook and my yarn and say this is going to make a plushie. WoW!!!
The fact that it can make my arms hurt from doing it to long
probably the fact that i can make almost anything i can think of
That’s where I get my yarn too!
that you need lots of yarn, and its very addicting to buy it
How much wrist pain i’d have. Maybe im just doing something wrong with how i crochet but my wrist hurts a lot. Anybody got any suggestions with how to help that?
That was a long time ago but I think it was that I could make garments for myself using just some yarn and a hook. I was amazed when I was younger with that. Then when I learned to make amigurumi how much I absolutely loved making such cute stuffed animals.
It surprised me how as complete beginners, we can straight away make something cool like a little plush, compared to many other hobbies where you have to practice for a while before starting to have a result
Honestly, how much easier it was than it looked. Hard to master but if you stick with it- you learn in no time. And i agree 100% with your answer haha!
How hard it is to learn but once you learn it’s really easy
Probably that all of my money is spent on yarn now, and once you learn how to crochet you can literally make anything!!!