Random advice/something I discovered

I’ve been crocheting for about a year now and I’ve realized the most efficient way for me to make things in bulk. I’m currently making 7 crochet plushies for everyone in my Ecology lab and I’ve learned that it’s so much easier to make all of the parts individually at the same time before moving to the next part instead of just making one at a time. Like, it’s easier to make all the heads at once, then all the bodies, etc. and I’m sure this is obvious. I just wanted to share because I’ve finished 4 so far and it’s going so much easier. I haven’t gotten any burn out (which is uncommon because I have ADHD and cannot focus on one pattern for long)!!!


This works the opposite for me. I really do not enjoy sewing parts together and if I end up making a bunch to assemble later I normally end up overwhelmed looking at my stack of things I don’t want to do. :joy:
I think most people find this faster though and a lot of people enjoy the sewing so will never feel the dread I do looking at bits I need to sew.
It seems like a cute little production line when you do your way though :blush:


Honestly, I dread the sewing because even though I enjoy it, I always feel like I’m gonna mess it all up at the end with the sewing :joy:

So, the only reason I discovered doing it this way is because I wanted to set the sewing as far back as possible! If I mess up even a little bit, my brain goes, “scrap the whole project. Move on to something else.” But if I’ve got all the parts done, it feels foolish to not see the project all the way through :blush:


I agree! I definitely don’t want to do all of the sewing at the end, yuck. I also find if I keep doing each part over and over, I get bored.


I do know when I have done repeat patterns, I do get faster with each go round. I’m memorizing the pattern and know what I’m doing, so I get into a faster pace. That is one benefit.


I think messing up and having to reposition is what makes me hate sewing so much. Its frustrating but I get better the more I do it. I just get anxious I’ll still mess up too.


My friend does it when she’s supplying the store she makes for but it really gives me stress. :rofl:


Hahaha same


Yes, same here.


I did this when making a bunch of sunflower granny squares and it helped a bunch! Plus it’s easier to remember the steps when you’re doing them at the same time lol


I love sewing, i have made plushies for over 10 years (hand sewing!) And yet I HATE SEWING items I crochet (ironic I suppose)
I did do the same pattern multiple times and got faster everytime… But i actually completed it (now, im talking about a less than 2hrs project, but nonetheless! That still counts lol)


I am literally the exact same!!

Though I enjoy the sewing part I’m always too scared I am going to do it wrong​:woman_facepalming:t3:

Maybe I should try doing it the way you do, saving it till last on them all so I can learn from the previous one​:raised_hands:t2:


I just wanted to update this post and say that I’ve finished all but one of the turtles! I made my first ever pattern and I’ll probably post about it tomorrow because I’m proud!




Its the opposite for me haha i get discouraged and bored when i do the same thing over and over and i start getting distracted with other stuff :crazy_face:


I’m ADHD too, and I’m the same way! I have to do the assembly line system to keep me from getting the “I’m done! I can do something new!” rush and then not finish them or procrastinate until I’m crying and then I stay up for literally DAYS to finish a project.


Normally I’m a start to finish person but my last market I made 2-4 plushies left the sewing to the end for them all and did them all at once. It felt like I went faster so I was glad. I would gladly do either way.


I have adhd and it’s quite the opposite for me I get burnt out doing the same thing over and over again so I have to make different parts of the plushie :rofl: doing all the assembly at once is not so bad, but I have to switch it up or the dopamine goes away.


I understand. The way I combatted that was the second that I felt like “this isn’t fun anymore” due to tie repetitiveness, I moved down the assembly line to the next part and came back to the other one later!
I got so tired of making the bodies because they took the longest, so I sewed the heads onto the body as I went to relieve some monotony!