Randomize recommendation

Hey @Ribblr heres a little idea i had:
idea one -
As someone who struggles with motivation and never knowing what to make, this is something i think could help people like me! There could be a place you could go where you select boxes of things you’re looking for and ribblr finds the perfect pattern.
for example
Let’s say you have to select what fiber arts you’re looking for, and I click crochet. Then maybe it says, “clothing” “accessories” “decor” “amigurumi”
and i click amigurumi. Then it says, animals, food, character or surprise? And i click surprise. Then it randomizes and gives me a pattern.

idea number 2 (similar kinda) -
A little wheel type thing where it radomizes and gives you a pattern but you can select like crochet or knitting and then amigurmi or clothes, etc. Than you can make that pattern! they should all be free patterns.

This is just what i think could benefit people who never know what they want to make!


Moved this to the suggestions forum!


appreciate it :heart_hands:


I love this idea. It will help me and a lot of other people all around the world!


Thanks for sharing! We’re monitoring all suggestions and we’ll continue to check feedback on this topic.