Re-cycle, re-use, up-cycle, save our planet

If any of those words give you goose-bumps let me tell you about 2 of my favorite shops who’s mission is to save manufacturing fabric waste and yarn from going into landfills.

Darn Good Yarn - has some of the most beautiful silk yarns that are spun from sari silk manufacturing waste…

Swanson Fabrics - collects donated fabrics, yarn, poly fill, patterns and heaven only knows what else. I got hooked when I saw some discontinued yarn for sale that I had given up hope to ever see again.

They are both on Instagram or visit their websites


My feedback on those.
I got darn good yarn about 13 years ago. I wasn’t impressed-lower quality/quantity for high cost.

Swanson Fabrics- everytime I look, there’s hardly any yarn to buy online?


Really? I have had good experiences with both. I bought some beaded silk yarn to make a shawl from DGY, it came out beautiful. it wasn’t cheap but 1 skein was enough and I wear the dickens out of it

Too bad your experience was not as good.


I liked Darn Good Yarn. The silk roving was good, although, a bit flimsy when it comes to tightening magic circles, but I’ve had worse problems with cheaper roving yarns.

I made a beanie with Sunset Lovers and it is dreamy. I wish I could show pictures of it.