Ribblr of the Week - Meet Francesca 🏅

Say hello to Francesca (@crochetingchicca)- our new Ribblr of the Week and the designer behind Crocheting Chicca :confetti_ball:

Tell us a little about yourself
Hello! I’m Francesca, aka Crocheting Chicca, a passionate Italian crocheter who loves to explore various types of creativity. I find joy in turning yarn into something beautiful. I love sharing my designs and inspiring others to craft with intention and creativity. Outside of crafting, I work as a Marketing Executive at a company in Rome. I am also passionate about music and travel.

When did you start crafting and how?
I started crafting three years ago. I learned by watching left-handed crochet tutorials on YouTube. I still remember my first project: a colorful scarf. It took me a month to finish it because I kept unraveling and redoing it every three seconds. I was such a beginner! But with a lot of patience, I eventually managed to make it just the way I wanted!

And how did you start designing?
My design journey began when I realized that I wanted to make something truly unique and personal. I started by modifying existing patterns to suit my style and needs. It’s been such a fulfilling process to see my ideas come to life.

Do you have a favorite craft type and if so - why?
My favorite craft type is obviously crochet. I find that it’s both relaxing and satisfying to watch a project take shape with just a hook and some yarn.

What has been the most memorable project you worked on?
One of my most memorable projects was creating my first crochet vest. I wanted to make one for both myself and my friends. It took a lot of time and effort to complete, but it was incredibly rewarding to give something so personal and meaningful.

What are you currently working on? Be honest - how many WIP do you have right now?
Right now, I’m working on crochet vests, scarves and bags. As for how many WIPs I have… well, I won’t lie — it’s a bit out of control!

Which of your makes/designs are you most proud of?
I’m most proud of my long sleeve net shrug, which I feel really showcases my style. I’m proud of how well it was received by my community.

What is your usual process of designing?
My design process is a mix of both structure and spontaneity. I usually start with a basic idea or concept, whether it’s inspired by something I’ve seen or just a feeling I want to capture. Then, I refine the pattern, writing it as I go. Once I’m happy with the design, I do final testing and editing to ensure it’s clear and easy to follow.

What inspires you to create/design?
I get a lot of inspiration from other crafters in the community, which motivates me to push my own creativity and try new things.

Any favorite song, book or movie you would like to recommend?
I have a long list about music, but I am totally in love with “Somewhere Only We Know” by Keane. As for the movies: my two favorite ones are with no doubt: The Truman Show and Interstellar.

What is your favorite feature on Ribblr?
My favorite feature on Ribblr is definitely the forum where we can chat with other designers and build a marvelous community.

*Share a funny story that happened to you recently!
A funny story is about making socks: I just realized after several tries that I couldn’t do it.

Where can others find you?
You can find me on Instagram @crochetingchicca Feel free to connect!

Would you like to shout anyone out on Ribblr?
I’m in love with the patterns of @crochetbyeep, @jaimecreates and @stitchedcreations

Thanks so much for being here this week Francesca, it’s a pleasure reading about you!

Want to read more?
Check out all our previous featured Ribblrs here.

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Check out Crocheting Chicca


congrats @crochetingchicca on rotw! all of the things you’ve made are so lovely!


Thank you :heart::heart::heart:


Congrats on Ribblr of the Week!


Congratulations @crochetingchicca.


Thank you :blush:


Thank you :smiling_face: