Ribblr of the Week - Meet Genna 🏅

Say hello to Genna (@CrochetByGenna) - our new Ribblr of the Week and the designer behind [CrochetByGenna]

Hi! Happy to have you here, tell us a little about yourself.
Hi everyone, my name is Genna and I’m a 25 year old fiber artist! I currently work full-time at a consulting firm and run my crochet business on the side part-time. I currently live in Mississippi, but am originally from NJ. I always love to be busy – whether it’s filming videos for my YouTube channel, crocheting plushies, or doing other arts and crafts!

When did you start crafting and how?
I started crocheting back in January 2022. My mom bought me a crochet cat sweater kit for Christmas and that’s what sparked my interest in crochet. I watched a video tutorial on how to make a turtle and after that I was “hooked” on amigurumi and crochet!

And how did you start designing?
After a few months of crocheting, the creative side of me wanted to explore and attempt my own patterns. I wanted to make a different style of octopus and that’s when I made my very own pattern.

Do you have a favorite craft type and if so - why?
I have always been a knitter, but my love and passion for crochet definitely wins. Crochet is such an amazing hobby – it really helps with mental health and is very soothing for the soul. I love that you can crochet anywhere – plane, trains, cars, etc!

What was the longest project you worked on?
I designed and crocheted a “human size” turtle and that probably was my largest and longest project I’ve ever worked on! It took over 5 skeins of yarn, 2 pounds of stuffing, and many hours of trial and error.

And the shortest one? (excluding frogging!)
I think I made a stress ball one time just for fun and it literally took maybe 10 minutes? It did the job though!

What are you currently working on? Be honest - how many WIP do you have right now?
Hahaha I always have so many WIPs but right now I’m working on a jumbo pickle, sunflower turtle, and chicken – all for my lovely customers!

What is your usual process of designing?
I like to sketch out the shape of my plushie first and then go in and brainstorm what combination of stitches would give me the result I want

What inspires you to create/design?
I definitely get inspiration from other crocheters on Instagram/Youtube, but I take a lot of inspiration from tv shows too! If I’m watching a show that has a cute cat, I get inspiration to crochet a cat that day

Which of your makes/designs are you most proud of? Share a picture!

Any favorite song, book or movie/show you would like to recommend?
I am obsessed with Gilmore Girls – it’s my go to show while crocheting!

What is your favorite feature on Ribblr?
I love that you can cross out each round as you go – I always tend to lose track so I love that feature the most!

Thanks so much for being here this week, Genna! :tada:

Want to read more?
Check out all our previous featured Ribblrs here.

Want to be our next Ribblr of the week and earn a special badge?

Send us a message and be our next Ribblr of the week (plus earn our special Ribblr of the week gold badge​:medal_sports:)

Check out [CrochetByGenna] and all of their amazing patterns! Along with their YouTube channel here.


Congrats on ROTW @CrochetByGenna


Congratulations Genna I love your videos :blush:


Funny timing, I just started watching your videos last week! I love the sunflower turtles, they look so huggable​:sunflower:


Congrats on getting Ribblr of the Week! :smile:


Omg! I literally gasped when I saw this!! Congrats Genna!! I love your videos so much, they always cheer me up and I love everything you make. Your such an inspiration!! <33


Congrats Genna! I love your videos 🫶🏼


Celebration Congrats GIF by Angel Oak Home Loans


Thanks so much everyone!! :two_hearts:


Congratulations! I just recently found your youtube and love watching your videos when I’m crocheting! It’s like having a friend over chatting! Your turtles are absolutely adorable! :heart:




@CrochetByGenna congrats on rotwww! also i just saw your yt channel its so cool! i subscribed :smile:


Congratulations! :))


Nickelodeon Yes GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants


Im so happy for you Genna! Ive been watching your vids since the beginning!!! Congratss!! <3



Same! Only like a month ago!


Hi!:blush: And congratulations!
I’ve seen some of your videos on Youtube.
You have so much energy and joy for life!
Here’s to continuing success in all of your


Congrats Genna,

I have been watching your videos for awhile and you inspired me to create my own pattern which i have just posted. I can’t wait to see what you are coming up with next!


Yayyyy Genna!!! Congrats :tada::balloon: I am obsessed with your videos! I don’t know if you remember but, I sent you a letter a little while back, You are such an inspiration to me! :blush::sparkling_heart:
-Haley :tulip:

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Hi Genna, I love your yt videos​:sparkles: