Ribblr of the week: Meet Jaida! 🏅

Say Hi to Jaida (@mrsmoonheaven) the designer behind mrs moon & heaven, and our Ribblr of the week!

Hey :wave: Tell us a little about yourself.
My name is Jaida and I am 25 years old. My whole life from growing up as a kid, my teenage years, and into adulthood, I have always been big into expressing myself creatively with as many outlets as possible, and if anyone knew anything about me at all, it would be that, along with perhaps the value I hold to being genuinely myself, down to the way I present myself through fashion.
Although I consider myself a serial hobbiest, with only few hobbies I truly stuck to, crochet was one of the only ones that I fully fell in love with while it also remains challenging to me. In college, I studied media communications, film, and psychology. That, plus my interests in creative outlets, plus a bit of time working in social media, plus my love of fashion since I was young really helped me come to where I am today as a crochet designer!

So when did you start crafting and how?
I have been crafting since I was very young, trying out different mediums. But when it comes to crochet, I started Christmas 2020, all because I ended up with a hook in my stocking because “Santa” thought I crocheted for some reason. Trying out crochet was something that was lingering in my brain, so all I needed at that point was a push.

That’s awesome! (thanks Santa! :santa::raised_hands:)
And how did you start designing?
When I started crocheting, I fell in hard and fast with the art. I started with small projects (which is what I love about crochet, you really can’t go too big right away. You’re forced to pace yourself and improve with time and practice), and then I followed tutorials for clothing.
What drew me to crochet in the first place before I even started were some of the fashion items I saw on social media, so I wanted to get to that level. Once I was good enough with that, ideas started flowing effortlessly and I wanted to make them all come to life! Even as a kid, I used to design fashion looks by drawing out these models and playing around with a mix of trends at the time and my personal preferences. I had been learning to sew and flipping clothes, so I was getting closer to fully being able to bring my ideas to life and crochet was the first time I have been able to do that from start to finish.

We normally like to ask what your favorite craft type is, but we have to assume it’s Crochet…? Why is it your favorite?
Crochet! I love how you really can make anything, I love how relaxing it is, and I love that it keeps my hands busy. I love that I can watch my favorite show as I do my craft. I love how I can deisgn my own clothes. One second I have nothing to wear to event and the next, I’m making the clothing item I desire. There’s really so much to love about it.

You’ve worked on so many projects - what was the longest one you worked on?
The longest project was my first. I went a bit big for it, although not difficult. I decided to make a queen size blanket for my partner. I worked on it nonstop for 3 days, it was all I could think about. The first two days, I remember watching both It Chapter 1 and 2 the first day and doing it again the second day. Then I put it down for about a month and picked it up again and spent more hours and more days to finish it. It was only double crochet over and over again, so it was really good practice!

Wow! And the shortest one? (excluding frogging!)
Besides things like headscarfs, my first design I’ll say that took the shortest was a vest. It was so rewarding to finish something in a day and when I made it even more cropped, it only took me about 2.5 hours (thank you bulky yarn!)

What are you currently working on? Be honest - how many WIP do you have right now? :sweat_smile:
I’m currently testing out an AWESOME spring cardigan right now with both a long flare sleeve and short sleeve option along with some wide leg pants. But I also do have some designs drawn out that I haven’t yet started on. I have too many WIP to count… but actively I have only one started, 4 designs drawn out and yarn bought (multiple pieces too), yarn for another cardigan I need to start in the next day or two, yarn on the way to make at least 2 more of the cardigan I’m having tested, and at least 10 projects I’ve started then thrown in one of the WIP bins!

Which of your makes are you most proud of?
It’s a tie. The Luna Cardigan is my baby. It was my biggest make at the time, my best seller, and so many options to make with it (and I love making it over and over again). I was also proud to make a lazy, patchless patchwork, especially to share with other impatient crafters, like myself.
But also, I’m in love with my new Adena Long Sleeve Cardigan. Maybe it’s because it’s my most recent or maybe its because I’ve always wanted something with sleeves like this. All I know is with both of these designs, I have about 10 more versions of the design in my head to make for just myself at the moment ![:sweat_smile:]

What is your usual process of designing?
Once I have an idea, I go right to my ipad to draw it out. I’ll think about the best looking yarn size (while considering the fact that I am quite impatient, so if it’s anything bigger than a crop top, I will NOT be using thin yarn). If I have a yarn in mind, I usually will grab the colors from the site so I can start with the colors. From there, I’ll write down the basics that are important for the idea along with maybe some challenges in the project I’ll have to work on. Then I grab my yarn and hook and just get to work, writing down all the steps as I go. From there, I’ll either try it again based on my notes or start writing out the pattern formally (and then I’ll do it again from there!).

What inspires you to create & design? :bulb:
Literally anything and everything. Sometimes it’s just an idea that popped into my head. Sometimes it’s from watching a show or a movie and I see a wardrobe piece that inspires me. Maybe I’m on social media and I see a piece or something from a music performance. Sometimes I base it off of a theme I resonate with or is nostalgic. Sometimes it’s because a good friend’s birthday is coming up and I base it off of their aesthetic. Fashion is such a huge part in my everyday life, so I really find inspiration in my everyday life.

Any favorite song, book or movie you would like to recommend?
What We Do In The Shadows is probably my favorite comedy movie. The amount of times I’ve rented it just to show it to someone, I should have bought it by now. Truly hilarious and a Taika Watiti staple that people usually don’t know about.

Is there a funny story that happened to your recently that you can share with us all?
I’m with my baby cousin a lot, who’s about a year and 6 months old. The other day, he acts as though he is about to leave the house and because my yarn bag is basically an extension of me, he grabs my yarn bag, grabs my keys, puts on my crocs and tries going to the door telling me “bye!!! bye!” since that’s my leaving ritual!

That’s hilarious and sweet! :joy:
What is your favorite feature on Ribblr?

I absolutely love the ePatterns. I especially love how it auto-translates US and UK terms along with Inches to Cm so that it becomes that much more accessible to people around the world that love the patterns as much as the makers.

Finally - pay it forward - your shoutout to a fellow Ribblr!
Emma of @MadeintheMoment (@made.in.the.moment via Instagram)! I’ve been a fan since before we were mutuals and I remain a fan now that we’re internet buddies. Her designs and tapestry work are off the charts, she is so sweet and kind, and her freehand projects are everything. So much talent.

Thank you for sharing! :purple_heart:

Want to read more?
Check out all our previous featured Ribblrs here.

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Check out mrs moon & heaven shop now​:point_down:


Congratulations! :heart_eyes:


Oh my gosh! I absolutely LOVE your designs and I watch your TikToks all the time (even before I joined ribblr). You’ve inspired me a lot and I’m so glad to see that you’re ribblr of the week. Congrats!




thank you so so much! i am truly honored to be Ribblr of the Week! :purple_heart:


thank you SO MUCH!! this is everything wow


That is just awesome!

:raised_hands: :clap:


Congrats!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: so happy for you. Love your patterns! :heart:


Oh my gosh!!! I CANT BELIEVE YOU RESPONDED!!! love you soo much and you’re like a legend to me in the crochet universe!