Ribblr of the Week - Meet Jess 🏅

Say hey to Jess (@eclecticjess) - our new Ribblr of the Week and the designer behind Eclectic Jess!

Hey :wave: Tell us a little about yourself.

I’m Jess, aka Eclectic Jess, and I’m convinced that I’m terrible at talking about myself! I’m a crochet artist & pattern designer, mom of 2 feral kids, partner to a pretty cool guy, and I’ve spent the past 2 years delightfully discovering what it really means to be me. (It turns out my personality is about 50% “I can make that.”)

When did you start crafting and how?
I grew up with a very crafty grandma, so it’s hard to remember a time before crafting was a big part of my life. I remember raiding her huge desk for supplies and gluing so much stuff to other stuff! When I was about 5 she taught me to crochet and it’s been my default craft ever since. Who knew some scratchy red yarn and a metal hook would have such a big impact on my life?

And how did you start designing?
I had been “unofficially” designing for myself since high school, when I was on a very tight budget and could barely afford yarn, let alone patterns. I’ve always enjoyed coming up with new designs and I put out a few free patterns after my daughter was born, but at that time I was mostly making for craft show sales. That actually caused a long bout of burnout and I wasn’t able to enjoy crochet for a while.

After I created my Mean Green Carnivorous Plant, I had a lot of people asking for the pattern, and that was when I decided that I was really going to dedicate myself to designing. Having the freedom to crochet on my own terms and being able to follow my creativity really reignited my love of the craft. Being able to share my creations in a way that encourages others to create is an amazing feeling! Mean Green holds a place of honor among my yarn stash as a reminder of where this chapter of my life started.

Do you have a favorite craft type and if so - why?
100% crochet. It’s so versatile! Once you understand the geometry that goes into the shapes you create, you really can make just about anything. Sensory-wise, it’s soft, not sticky, and so nice to snuggle with!

What was the longest project you worked on?
The longest was probably Mean Green. So much went into the shaping of the head, making the leaves and vines, and designing a wire frame that is strong enough to support her. There’s a lot of pieces, but I think she’s worth the effort !:slightly_smiling_face:
I’ll also have to shout out my daughter’s crochet-hacked denim jacket. When the entire project is crocheting the sleeves, I felt like I was on sleeve island forever - but it was totally worth it!

And the shortest one? (excluding frogging!)
The shortest is probably a tie between my Flower Power pattern and the shorter version of the Pride Flag Pole Wrap. Yarn bombs tend to work up quickly, even though you’re typically making them on a large scale!
A friend put out a call for flowers to yarn bomb a building and I knew something simple would be sure to stand out, so Flower Power was born. It’s made with worsted weight and a 9mm hook, so it works up very quickly to make a 2 foot wide flower!

The Pride Flag Pole Wrap is near and dear to my heart. I have one pole that has been yarn bombed with pride flags for 2 years now, and I just installed 7 new ones at a local cidery. Luckily they’re such a quick project to make!

What are you currently working on? Be honest - how many WIP do you have right now? :wink:
I’m proud to say I only have 5 WIPS on hooks right now! It doesn’t sound like much, but there’s also 5 more that I have lined up and can’t wait to start. I won’t even try to count the ideas I’ve got scribbled down in notebooks!

Which of your makes/designs are you most proud of?
I’m so proud of the Faerie Garden Wall Hanging! It actually started as some embellishments for a pair of jeans I’m working on crochet hacking, but it took on a life of its own. Being able to design a leafy vine that is worked in one piece, and then turn it into a beautiful piece of decor makes me so happy. My kitchen never quite felt “right” until I hung one up!

What is your usual process of designing?
Document, document, document! I have to admit that I’m very particular about my writing process when it comes to physical tools. I use 6”x8” spiral lined notebooks with good quality paper and mechanical pencils. I write down everything as I go, and the familiarity of the writing tools leaves my brain free to focus on the design (and all that math!) After typing up a pattern, I make it again as an initial test, and take photos of the process. Then I put everything together!

What inspires you to create/design?
That’s a tough one. I think food and nature inspire me a lot because they’re available to everyone, but each individual’s interpretation of them can be so different and personal. To some, a cheeseburger is just a fast food meal, while to others, making one (in any medium!) or tasting one is their own form of art. My kids also play a part here - sometimes a cheeseburger is just a toy until it becomes a tool to spur imaginative play!

I spent a lot of years without the energy or time to create, so rediscovering that part of myself has brought its own inspiration. Being able to take the time to appreciate the little things and find inspiration in everything around you makes a big difference.

That’s so lovely. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Pop culture time! Any favorite song, book or movie you would like to recommend?

My tastes change so frequently, it’s always been tough for me to pick a favorite anything (hence the “Eclectic”). The books that have stuck with me most recently have been Leigh Bardugo’s Six of Crows Duology. You know when you can’t stop reading, and then suddenly you’ve finished the book and you don’t know what to do with your life?

For music, I’ve been listening to a lot of Marina. Whenever I listen to something else, I still end up putting on one of her albums instead. Very pop meets relatable human experience.

It’s Monday - share a funny or wholesome story that happened to you recently!
The other day I was driving home with my daughter in the back seat and we came across Spiderman waiting at a crosswalk. We leaned out the window to say hi (because who wouldn’t want to say hi to Spiderman?!) and he ran over to give us high fives. I tend to think I have a pretty ordinary life until stuff like this happens!

That’s awesome!
What is your favorite feature on Ribblr?

Can I choose two? I’m really loving the new Pattern Drop and Giveaway features! I love seeing my patterns added to wishlists before they’re even published, and I look forward to seeing new patterns from other artists on the homepage.

It’s also so easy to host a giveaway now! I like to use it to randomly gift patterns to my followers now and again as a thank you for their support.

That’s great!
Finally, pay it forward - your shoutout to a fellow Ribblr :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Shout out to Lindsey aka @Lindstitch for always being a supportive, creative friend and awesome designer. She has the cutest patterns and a talent for making UV reactive projects! Rudy with a Booty is a personal favorite, but my son is partial to her duckie pattern :sparkling_heart:

Want to read more?
Check out all our previous featured Ribblrs here.

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Check out the Eclectic Jess shop now!:point_down:


Congratulations on ROTW


Congrats on Ribblr of the Week! :partying_face::tada: Love that Faerie Garden Wall :smile:


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I just found out that Tacoma celebrates Pride Month the first weekend of July so that everyone can still go celebrate the BIG party(s) in Seattle and have fun here as well! Our new place was like having free tickets to the shows! We sat out on our balcony and watched some of the fun!
My son is gay, but just ended his 8.5 year relationship with his partner. So I baked his favorite lemon blueberry muffins and helped him (sorta) rearrange the living room again. His partner struggles with alcoholism, keeping a job, and my dear heart is a nurturing soul, so struggles with wanting to help, while it’s harming his own health and wellbeing. All these years, he’s finally just had enough. He got a seriously drunken phone call saying “Man, I’m so drunk I’m calling 911 for an ambulance for myself. Haha!” Ugh!

Pray for my Scott and his ex who really needs help! He just doesn’t seem to want it, yet. :crossed_fingers:t3:
Hugs, Valori​:hibiscus:


Oh my gosh that wall hanging is gorgeous!!!


Thank you so much for the shout out Jess!!
I’m so glad I was able to meet you on the internet through crochet and bond through it.

You will always be the Waffle Queen to me. I can’t wait to see what you will be designing in the future. I love all the natural in your latest patterns.


You were the first & best maker I thought of! My queenmaker :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart: I’m so glad algorithms brought us together!!