Ribblr of the Week - Meet Luna 🏅

Say hello to Luna (@twinklyluna)- our new Ribblr of the Week and the designer behind [Bearyluna.crochet]

Tell us a little about yourself
Hi everyone I’m Luna, the face behind bearyluna.crochet. I’m 29 years old. I‘m married and a fulltime mom to a toddler and a senior fur baby. On the weekends I work at a big local store. I live in Switzerland but my roots lay in Argentina. Besides crochet, music and dancing are big passions of mine. I’m also a gamer but since becoming a mom and getting into crochet, i haven’t been gaming much sadly.

When did you start crafting and how?
I always loved crafting stuff and crochet was actually part of my whole life since lots of my family members crochet! I learned a few things here and there but never really got into it till i discovered the world of amigurumis. I wanted to master making plushies so 1 year ago i learned the stitches by watching YouTube videos and just trying till it looked right!

And how did you start designing?
After testing a few patterns for other crochet artists and slowly learning new stitches and methods every time, i decided to try and freehand my first design and soon my bear bubble tea was created. I decided to make my first free pattern for it and thats how i got into the world of creating patterns!

Do you have a favorite craft type and if so - why?
With time I learned to love every aspect of crochet but my favorite will always be amigurumis. I’m obsessed with collecting plushies and being able to create them myself, just makes me beyond happy. After almost a year they are taking over the space though!

I‘m also getting into making jewelry/keychains lately - i love including charms and pretty details to my amigurumis!

What has been the most memorable project you worked on?
I have a few memorable projects but one that stands out is the eepy cat from @cozyloafcat! I’m always amazed of their patterns and projects so i had to make the eepy cat. The kitty itself was done super fast but oh my did i have a hard time making the umbrella! Since i used thicker yarn i was fighting for my life to get it to stay up;-; buuut i pulled trough and did it (even with lots of details in the end!)

What are you currently working on? Be honest - how many WIP do you have right now?
I just finished a pattern test and i’ll be testing another soon. I’m very strict about working on 1 project at a time. That wasn’t the case at the beginning though… i once ended up with 3 pattern tests and my own pattern being tested all at the same time - never again! Also fun fact: I have no abandoned WIPs laying around!

Which of your makes/designs are you most proud of?
I love all my babies but Goldie the flower bear has a special place in my heart! She turned out exactly how i imagined her, joining everything I love (bears, cottagecore, the flower, the pose) into one tiny being. Seeing my design come to life and all the cute Goldies of my testers just made me beyond proud and happy<3

What is your usual process of designing?
I kinda have a weird way of designing i think?! It usually starts with an idea i have in mind. Then i start thinking about each part and what techniques i need to achieve the desired shape. Once the details start manifesting in my head i sit down to crochet the pieces, writing down the instructions for each part as i go. I usually don’t frog (especially not a whole project) but make tweaks here and there. When I’m done with the whole plushie its done and locked in - i don’t make another example of it never ever!

What inspires you to create/design?
As I mentioned I’m obsessed with collecting plushies and everything cute. So that inspires me to keep creating! It also helps that here in Switzerland its hard to find kawaii stuff so this is a way to being able to still have cute stuff without spending tons of money to order things from other countries. I also love to fill my house with plushies of my favorite movies/series like Pokémon and studio Ghibli.

What is your favorite feature on Ribblr?
I love how flexible i can be with ribblr. Having all my patterns available in one place. As a mom i only get to crochet when little one is sleeping so being able to mark off what is already done and coming back later to find exactly where i left it at is a huge help. I have ADHD so my memory isn’t the best but with ribblr i never have to worry about remembering at which row i was exactly!

Who are some designers you would like to give a shoutout to?

There are too many crochet artists that i admire and that inspire me so much. So if i could i would include them all! But if i have to choose a few that inspired me trough my journey (some even before i finally decided to learn crochet myself) then it would be @waicrochets, @LorettasLoops , @jennyplushies, and @cozyloafcat.

Thanks so much for being here this week Luna, it’s a pleasure reading about you!

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Check out [Bearyluna.crochet]


congrats luna!


congrats!! you totally deserve it!!
(( your nails are so pretty by the way, Luna :sob:


CONGRATS Luna!!!:partying_face:
you totally deserve it!
all your patterns are sooo cute!!:sob::sob::heart:


congrats Luna! my friend is also named Luna hahaha


Congratulations!! :smile: