Ribblr of the Week - Meet Maxine ๐Ÿ…

Say hello to Maxine (@xinecrochetss) - our new Ribblr of the Week and the designer behind [Xinecrochets] Unique patterns | xinecrochets | Ribblr

Tell us a little about yourself
My name is Maxine, I am 23 years old, and I love designing crochet clothing. I have been crocheting almost every day since the 2020 and I recently have gone full time!

When did you start crafting and how?
I learned to crochet when I was in third grade. My daycare teacher, Miss Chavi, knew how to crochet and she taught me everything she knew. I was making headbands and scarves by the time I was eight years old.

And how did you start designing?
I started designing my own patterns in 2020. I really like coming up with new ideas and creating original pieces. I started by freehanding everything and using my mistakes to learn and better my work.

Do you have a favorite craft type and if so - why?
I currently only crochet, but I would love to learn how to knit. I have tried before with pencils, and it did not go well. My favorite crochet stitch is the half double!

What has been the most memorable project you worked on?
The most memorable project I have worked on is my Pepper Shorts. They are my first shorts pattern and took me 30 hours to get right. I never liked how crochet shorts ride up and became uncomfortable, so I figured out how to make them fit better.

What are you currently working on? Be honest - how many WIP do you have right now?
I am currently working on a pair of straight leg pants. I have spent a total of 25 hours on them so far, and I am so close to perfecting them! That is my only WIP right now, but I have so much yarn sitting in my home for new ideas I have.

Which of your makes/designs are you most proud of?
The two projects I am most proud of are my shorts and sweater patterns. I love making my patterns simple and comfortable to wear. I figured out how to make a sweater all in one panel to reduce the amount of stitching together, and how to get the shorts to fit without riding up.

What is your usual process of designing?
My usual design process starts with figuring out what I want to make and then looking through my closet to understand how that specific clothing item is made. Then, I decide what stitch I prefer for the piece and i freehand. Typically, each piece has about 10-20 hours of work frogged. I do not mind it though, because it just means i will get a piece that I love and a pattern I am proud of.

What inspires you to create/design?
Having clothing items that I created with my own hands inspires me to continue to crochet. Every time I finish a piece I feel proud of myself for sticking with it and learning new things about crocheting.

Any favorite song, book or movie you would like to recommend?
Currently, my favorite song is Call It What You Want by Taylor Swift. I am a new swiftie and my favorite album so far is Reputation.

What is your favorite feature on Ribblr?
My favorite feature of Ribblr is the โ€œFor Youโ€ section where I can find new patterns that are similar to patterns that I have recently bought or looked at. It allows me to discover new artists and patterns that I would be interested in.

Pay it forward - your shoutout to a fellow Ribblr
Some of my favorites on Ribblr are:
Smiley Bag by @GAEAbyAnnie
Off Shoulder Crochet Sweater by @Yaejiyea
Y2K Hollow Sweater by @knittybae

Thanks so much for being here this week Maxine, itโ€™s a pleasure reading about you!

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Check out all our previous featured Ribblrs here.

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Check out Xinecrochets


Congrats on ROTW! :partying_face::tada:


Congratulations on Ribblr of the week! I love your work @xinecrochets

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Congrats! Good work! And interesting reading that you now are full time!

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Congratulations @xinecrochetss ! <3


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