Ribblr of the Week: Meet Summer 🏅 (plus special sale!)

Say hey to Summer (@summerbugcrafts) - our new Ribblr of the Week and the designer behind Summerbug Crafts!

Hey! Tell us a little about yourself.
Hi, my name is Summer! I’m a full-time social media graphic designer and blogger working towards a marketing degree specializing in website design. In my spare time I like to crochet for my mental health. I live in Toronto, Canada, with my husband and border collie Mia. When I’m not crocheting, I am forever unhappy with my Animal Crossing Island or starting a new farm on Stardew Valley.

When did you start crafting and how?
I’ve been crafting since I was little with my family. We didn’t have a lot of money when I was growing up, so it kept us kids busy. I started painting in 2011. Eventually, in my early 20s, I was in a bad spot in my life and I took up crochet to distract myself. It became something I fell in love with and haven’t looked back since. I’ve officially been crocheting for 8 years.

And how did you start designing?
I started designing because I couldn’t find patterns for the things I wanted to crochet. I decided to start learning, experimenting, and creating my own patterns. It started with things like hats and scarves, and then I discovered amigurumi. I wanted to crochet Pokémon plushies. 8 years ago, video game patterns were few and far between, so I had to design them myself.

Do you have a favorite craft type and if so - why?
Crochet is my favourite. It’s the only craft that I’ve been able to bring my vision to life and have enjoyed doing despite my frustrations.

What was the longest project you worked on?
I began crocheting my husband a queen-sized blanket for his bed back when we first started dating. We’ve been together for 5 years now. I still haven’t finished weaving the ends in!

And the shortest one? (excluding frogging!)
The chunky frog pattern that I designed and have available for purchase in my shop! Since the yarn is so huge and its shape is a circle, it only took 15 minutes.

What are you currently working on? Be honest - how many WIPs do you have right now? :wink:
I have 5 patterns I’m currently designing as well as a couple of projects for commissions. Currently, I’m working on fixing the stitch count on a Zelda character I designed. Many of my followers were so kind and supportive letting me know so I could fix the pattern for them!

Which of your makes/designs are you most proud of?
This is such a hard question because there’s something about each pattern that I’m proud of. I’m proud of my Story of Seasons Cow because I had to push myself hard to finish it.

harvest moon cow promo

What is your usual process of designing?
My design process starts with spur-of-the-moment inspiration, a sketch of the shapes needed to crochet it, the yarn, and tools I’ll need to make it. Then a trip to the craft store and sitting down with a comfort show to begin crocheting.

Pop culture time!
Any favorite song, book, or movie you would like to recommend?

Howl’s Moving Castle is 100% my comfort movie of choice.

We love it too!
Considering it’s Monday, would you care to share a funny story that happened to you recently?

I’m very clumsy so every day is a funny story for me. I’m always wearing my drinks and food or running into doorways.

What is your favorite feature on Ribblr?
Being able to link my TikTok tutorial videos to specific parts of my patterns on Ribblr, as well as being able to share my affiliate links in the materials list. The supportive community is also a huge aspect that I love!

Pay it forward - your shoutout to a fellow Ribblr :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Shoutout to Ribblr @anoswaldoddity for being a huge supporter of my work!

Want to read more?
Check out all our previous featured Ribblrs here.

Want to be our next Ribblr of the week and earn a special badge?

Send us a message and be our next Ribblr of the week (plus earn our special Ribblr of the week gold badge​:medal_sports:)

Don’t miss out @summerbugcrafts’s special Canada Day sale, ending this week!:point_down:


Congratulations on ROTW!

Bravo Congratulations GIF


i love your cow!!!
Happy Birthday Party GIF by Lazy Corgi


Happy ROTW! @summerbugcrafts :partying_face::tada: I actually just got into Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town! I used to play the harvest moon games on my ds when I was younger so seeing SoS FoMT I decided to give it a try :grin: definitely going to use that Story of Seasons Cow pattern :smile:


The Office Congrats GIF


Awesome in all of it! Challenge: finish those weave-ins in that blanket for a surprise date! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


By the way, I don’t play the game but Zelda has my heart for personal reasons, so hurray for those!!!


Happy Great Job GIF by sendwishonline.com