ribbuild spellcheck question

At times, I like the spellcheck fixing my spelling. But, it also automatically capitalizes my SC, and DC, and some other stitches. The problem for me is it is not consistent. Is there a way I can shut that off?


Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ve noticed this as well.


Yeah, it capitalizes Dec as well (it just did it???)


Yes that happens to me like in my patterns it is always like DC because it just autocorrects it


I think its your keyboard that does it not Ribblr, and there might be a way to turn it off in settings on your device.


I will check that. It could be. I guess it could think South Carolina ā€¦


True, but in that case what would dec stand for


usually on a normal keyboard it would stand for December so thatā€™s why it capitalizes.


Oh yeah that makes since :woman_facepalming:t3:



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I use the text replacement option under keyboard in settings. I use short codes, or text replacements, for so MANY things! In iPhone you go into General, Keyboard, then Text Replacements and you can type in your desired text and the ā€œcodeā€ to the desired text. Ie: in my phone I have several verses in mine short code josh1:9 ends up Joshua 1:9 ā€œHave I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.ā€ Same with sc, dc, tc, etc. They stay as I want them since Iā€™ve set them up in Text replacements.

Hugs, Valoriā€‹:hibiscus:


Itā€™s not. I went in and added them to the do not spellcheck list and they still did.

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I will check.
UPDATE No text replacement choice on my laptop. I did shut off spell check all together. Will test that now. Do you mind? Ooh, might have worked here. I will try my pattern.
UPDATE AGAIN It didnā€™t help either. Back to thinking itā€™s Ribblr.


I worked in pharmacy for years where we used ā€œsig codeā€ which is the language of doctors and other clinicians. So Iā€™m really used to using it. Like instead of writing out ā€œUse one to two drops in each eye every 2-3 hoursā€ we would use 1-2 drp iee q23h. I was a nurse first, so it comes very naturally. Haha! It sure helps me now with my own health issues too! Haha. :joy:
Hugs, Valoriā€‹:hibiscus:


Itā€™s a spell checker on your device, not on Ribbuild.

OK, Iā€™ll check for more. So far nothing helped. Maybe Iā€™ll change laptops and get off the Chromebook. Thanks.

Boo. Thatā€™s too bad! I do most everything either on my iPhone or one of my iPads. I have a pc laptop but Iā€™m so used to Apple language and ease of use that pc/Microsoft language and operation is just not easy to adjust to! I miss my MacBook computer, but couldnā€™t justify the expense of another.

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I was able to replace the SC with sc. Easily. Thanks for the Find and Replace Ribblr.