Service dog?

Hey guys just wondering if anyone here has service dogs? If so do you have any advice on where to start. I think a service dog will be best for me but I have no clue. I will bring it up when I go to therapy next. @Daffodilcrochets you don’t have to respond since we have been private messaging if you dont want to


Lol I was wondering what I was supposed to do




i have a service dog you just have to first figure out if you wanna invest in an already trained service dog are you want to train your woun.


I dont but my mom used to. With her it was it was getting the right kind


Finding the right dog for you is kinda hard. You just have to vibe right and they know what your triggers are for your condition. I trained my SD. So it was much easier that way for me anyway. There are online classes to help train aswell. Are look on fb there are tins of sd groups and help a lot



So, i am currently owner training with a trainer and there are a few things to consider. I dont want to dissuade you, but these are some big hurdles and downsides.

  1. Do you have the money? Service dogs for training, gear, vet visits, etc cost thousands of dollars. Not to mention, if you are buying from a breeder you could be spending thousands. On top of that, its never gaurenteed that the dog is a suitable service dog. Could be too outgoing or too timid and requires you to start again from ground zero. Getting one from an organization regularly costs upwards of 20k USD and has waiting lists that are VERY long.

  2. Do you have the time? Bonding and training with a service dog (especially when starting from a puppy) eats up a LOT of time. Constant watching, potty breaks, exposure, training, etc. You lose lots of fun time, im 5 months in on my girl and just now got some of my free time back and even then its not a ton.

  3. Are there better alternatives to mitigating your disability? While service dogs are great medical devices, some medications or electronic medical devices are more efficent, economical, and easier to care for. Would an ESA who is tasked trained be better suited for you to simply help at home?

  4. Are you prepared to spend 1-2 years training, 6 years of full service work, before likely having to redo it again? Large service breeds usually last 8 years at peak health. Smaller dogs maybe 10. But thats if everything goes swimmingly. After they retire from service work are you wanting to keep them? Rehome? Whats the retirement look like?

  5. Are you prepared to have a LOT of attention on you, both good and bad, and be an avid advocate for service dogs? There is a ton of misinformation surrounding service dogs, and its unfortunately up to handlers to know the law, and have service dogs trained accordingly. Even loval law enforcement often doesnt know ADA regulations, and SDiT regulations vary state to state. Be prepared to do research, qnd also leep your head calm as people will lilely adk both invasive, rude, and well meaning questions.


Thank you so much for the information, I am looking for a service dog to help me with anxiety due to my coping mechanisms not working anymore. I am prepared to spend hours and hours training them. I do have a couple of questions, do you mind if I pm you?


Yeah feel free! Im heading to bed right now but ill answer in the morning.

Im training my girl for agoraphobia and ptsd so hopefully i can help out a bit :slight_smile:
Also pet photo tax too for anyone wondering.


Such a pretty dog!

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@Alyphira (I hope you don’t mind the tag) Do you know of any foundations/programs that provide financial assistance for disabled folks looking to obtain a service animal?

A lot of them will do a work to raise money type of thing, where once approved theyll help you fundraise. Its really dependent on state and what your diability is, for instance, my ptsd dog was impossible to get through an org without having to pay upfront 40k since im not a veteran.

However, if you need a guide dog, or ASD dog, usually you can find a specific org for that type of dog. I would start by googling orgs within your state or area, then expand outward. There are a lot in Cali and NY.

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You might want to check out Assistance Dogs International (ADI). It is a worldwide coalition of non-profit programs that train and place Assistance Dogs.

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Kaelyn from Love on the Spectrum has an Autism service dog and recommends Assistance Dogs International (ADI) to find local places.

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