Are those Xmas gifts you’re working on?
This is a great partnership! There are new babies in our extended family who will be getting blankies and whatever other adorable baby things I can manage to crank out.
So exciting! I’d buy some nice chunky yarn for a blanket project I’m working on and to make some amigurumi friends for my baby niece
Oh this is so cool and exciting!! I can’t wait to buy more yarn for plushies and other projects!
This is so exciting! If I won, I would stock up on more yarn so they I could have more consistent color schemes on projects like cardigans.
Lots of baby projects coming up! Awesome
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That sounds amazing
I LOVE THIS! Super exciting! I’d be checking out what they have in K&C, and/or getting a big Bernat Blanket haul. I’ve decided to move away from Parfait Chunky. It’s not my plushy preference, and has less variety. Bernat Blanket is but so expensive to stock.
They are. Well, I’m going to try to finish them by Christmas. Lol
Omgg. This is so exciting!
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Thanks! What are you planning to use your coupon for and what will you buy if you win our prizes?
Yay, yarn!
Tears of joy
This is incredible!! So excited! Id love to buy bernat blanket, or bernat baby velvet (I love these 2 yarns)
Omg!! Amazing!! If I won, I think everyone would agree I that first purchase would be yarn :]
Oh this will be perfect for colorwork. Im getting into colorwork lately and it means picking out a lot of different colors, obviously
so sick!!! so excited for this 🫶🏻