I will be starting to sell my crochet items online and maybe attend markets? What are some good names for my shop that include my name, Daisy?
Daisy Makes?
Daisy’s crochet creations?
Daisy double crochets
Daisy’s crochet department
I’m not sure these are the only things I could think of right now but if I think of anything else I’ll definitely let you know!!
Daisy does crochet
Daisy’s Designs but that sounds more like art than crochet so idrk
That’s a good one @AnnabethSlays
DaisyAmigurumi kinda rhymes, if you do Amigurumi
ofc! I would like your comment but I’m out of likes
Same, but I only have to wait like two minutes
Nvm, 20 seconds
I can in 3 minutes!!!
20 seconds
(This is gonna take over the chat. We need to stop.(Not trying to be rude))
~Daisy’s Crochet Corner
~Daisy Knots
~Daisy Creations
~Daisy Daze Crochet
haha, here are a few, apologies if they’re totally random xdd.
Wait you can run out of likes…
I know! I get carried away sometimes omg now I’m yapping again. I will stop now
yes, every user has a certain amount of likes. I believe for a member its 300!
TIL ig
Daisy’s crafts
Daisy Crochets
Crafts by Daisy
Crochet by Daisy
Daisy’s Designs (I like that one the best)
Daisy’s cute creations?