Shop pattern organization

A suggestion I have is for sellers to be able to organize their shop patterns into categories - like you now have for Ribblr+Gold. I would love to be able to group my created collections together as I release new patterns and have this appear on the page potential customers see.


I’m pretty sure that’s a thing now!!


Hey @SweetenedWithYarn so you essentially mean crating boards for your shop to organize patterns for shoppers?


Yes! Exactly! For example, I have baby animal collections and winter collections. I would love to be able to literally move them around on the page so that I can group them together, regardless of when the pattern is published. And to be able to create boards, with titles, of specific collections. Also, the ability to organize my patterns-in-progress into a separate folder away from published patterns would be a great creator feature. :blush:

Great idea! Not sure if it’s on the roadmap but I’ll feed this back to our team.

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