Should I release another pattern?

So my gummy bear pattern has completely blown up, ive gained 4000 + followers from it. I just recently released a 3-D sunflower pattern however I just came up with an idea of doing gummies / sweet snacks, to try to draw more people in as im trying to make patterns to potentially sell (for the more advanced patterns) Im currently wipping up a pattern for a sweet fish (Swedish fish) im just curious as to how likely I am to find testers and how many people would actually be interested in this idea of mine. If you do like this idea please leave any ideas besides gummy bears, and sweet fish, down below! :candy: Heres a photo of my gummy bears :heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart:


You could do the gummy frogs, a fuzzy peach, ooo maybe a chocolate bar with a bite in it


What abt gummy bees? Or gummy animals?


gummy worms!! and like classic round wrapped candies


Gummy twin snakes would be so cute


My recent obsession is the peelerz candy, i think that would be extremely cool. I wonder if i can make them sented too somehow


Like a classic roudn candy thats wrapped.


I’m a bit of a candy fiend, and I’d absolutely love to test out candy ami XD I suggest the following:
Candy cane
Cola bottles
Peach or green apple rings
Licorice All sorts (the square layered ones might be easiest?)
Gummy blocks (they look like Legos, kinda)
Lollipop (either round, like Tootsie Pop or the flatter varieties)
Maybe a small can of hard candy (maybe on main colour for the tin, and another for the top label,), alongside a couple of of the small Candis? I’ll attach a pic of the tins I’m referring to
Fun dip packets
Tootsie rolls
Pretty much any boxed or bagged candy, just change the colour to match the content
Hershey’s kisses
One of those giant swirl lollipops would be awesome!!
Rainbow belts
Sour keys
Jolly rancher

You could get a boatload of ideas from Candy Store, and if you have too many ideas, run a poll?


This was so helpful and definitely gave me a wide verify of options. Ill pick a good handful of candies, pun intended, and run a poll. Thank you so much! :blush: