The fifth and final pattern release of the Spring Gardening CAL is here! And we are so excited to introduce Sir-Plants-A-Pot!!
If you’re hearing about this for the first time, note there will be PRIZES! If you complete all 5 patterns by June 22nd you can win FREE patterns from the creators of the CAL! Good luck to everyone!!
Also, if you don’t understand how to sew the leaves on, just sew them however you think looks best. I ran out of time to make another one to take photos of to show where they went, so I tried to draw it instead.
I wondered the same thing! Its my first time seeing the cal post but I scrolled to the top where it says cal and found the pattern cal week list from @sarahmakinthangs
But the other week patterns are paid now because its after their week. Unfortunately
@EmilyCrochets4 & @Itsamber . We have decided unanimously to gift you both the patterns so you can participate. Please note to be considered as an entry you’ll need to make a journal for each design. Good luck to you both.