Star blanket update :>

Hey poocaca minions ribbot debruhs​:heart_eyes:
I uhm

I messed up on the star blanket :heart_eyes:
My stitch count is quite a way off somehow
So I need help
I have a few options
Plus I’m not LOVING the color combos so I really wouldn’t mind redoing it.

  • Restart and try again!:smile:
  • Go through the headache of figuring out everything that needs decreased and everything :smiling_face_with_tear:
  • Don’t ever touch the project again​:face_in_clouds:
0 voters

How far did you get?


I am in the middle of ths six day star blanket as well and my stitch count was way of but i just continued and it looks fine


The same happened for me! It was so weird but no way was I going to frog it and find the problem :joy:


Oh no, blanket troubles! It’s definitely frustrating when a project doesn’t go as planned.

Let’s break down your options:

  • Restart and try again: This is a fresh start, but it also means undoing all your hard work.
  • Figure out the decreases: This could be time-consuming and tricky, but it might save your project.
  • Abandon ship: While tempting, it’s a shame to give up on something you’ve invested time in.

A fourth option: Could you combine the first two? Maybe frog (rip it) back a few rows to a point where the stitch count is correct, and then carefully recalculate the decreases from there?

As for the colors, it’s totally okay to not love them! Maybe you could add borders or tassels in different colors to liven it up?

Would you like to talk through your options a bit more? We could brainstorm some solutions together.