Every September for the entire month I see a lot of creators do their best to minimize trips to the yarn store by burning through their stash as much as possible through projects and ideas they have. This year I’m doing my best to do this too! Issue is, I’ve almost pretty much made an entire afghan and I’m about 3/4 through with it - not even just a throw size maybe like… full size bed size? and I haven’t even made a dent in what I have. I need to clear out space for a pattern themed after a movie I want to re-make so I can make it available to others, but It’ll take about 15 additional skeins of yarn for a the throw and baby blanket size so I want to make sure I can make space, but… I’m stuck so far.
To put it into perspective, I’ve got probably 80 skeins total, and 47 skeins are individual colors (I only know because I made labeled bobbins yesterday). Some is chenille and some is just… well weird bulky stuff.
Im trying to think of things but my brains out of ideas on yarn burners