Is it possible for you to make the flag on a post un-clickable? In case of an error? I just bookmarked a post, but accidentally hit the flag instead. I had to message the user that I didn’t mean to. Hopefully that takes care of the flag. If not, please remove it for me. @Ribblr
I have never heard of this what do you mean
Even when you do click on a flag, you have to provide more information before submitting. So accidental clicks are okay!
good news, thanks for the confirmation.
This picture shows both next to each other. I like to bookmark things to save for later. Hit the wrong one. Oops.
I have a silly question, since I’m fairly new here. What does flagging mean n when I bookmark something, does that mean it will be saved , like where? Sorry I feel dumb, but I have to ask, I’m not tech savvy at all
Not a silly question. I always say, it’s only easy if you know.
This picture is my view from a laptop so it might be different on a phone. But yes, the bookmarks are saved for later.
Thank you, I feel better n smarter now, you are so helpful