Suggestions for ease of use in my shop

If you go in to search for patterns there is a pull out menu on the side (on my laptop anyway.) It let’s you search for crochet and toys and exclude patterns I own.

I think we should have a pull out menu in our shop that would hide the exclusive for followers patterns.

I only have 5 in there right now. But it makes me not want to add them at all. Reason being I always have to scroll past them to get to my patterns. Then I click on the testing only tab and it takes me back up to the top and I have to scroll past them again.

So, if you could implement a menu like that on the side of my shop that would hide the exclusive for followers patterns from me most of the time, that would really be helpful.

Thank you for your consideration.
Who else has noticed this?

(If this made sense you do not need to watch this little video I made.)


That’s interesting, I’m curious what others think, since I don’t have a shop I can’t speak to how easier it would make that but I could see how this could be useful to make it easier to scroll through your own shop especially when testing


Yeah, it’s not just testing either. It’s any time I go into my shop. I really got rid of my exclusive patterns for a while. Might again.

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No other designer opinions on this? Not a big deal?