Tester call for Crochet: *free* low sew dragon keychain

Hello there! hope you’re having a magical day!!! (Skip the big paragraph if you’d like it’s not that important hehe) I think it was around a week ago i posted a tester call for this pattern but with a different name that i was informed by the lovely BoxOfDonuts and tygger428 (thank you guys soooooo much!!!). So i checked in with the community and got their thoughts on the matter, they all mainly agreed that it was fine and just to change the name to no longer include the characters name and if ever requested by the company to take it down so basically in short… the pattern is going ahead!!! yippie!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: (also just a huge thanks to everyone who helped me out with this, you guys are amazing!!! <3)
the due date is April 1st
here are the requirements
:black_heart: You may use any yarn but black is preferred - let me know below what type of yarn you’d like to use with the hook size
:green_heart: you need to leave a journal of your finished product
:black_heart: no ghosting!
:green_heart: any and all feedback is welcomed!!!
if you’ve read all requirements leave :green_heart: :black_heart: below!!!
Click pattern photo to apply:
*free*  low sew dragon keychai
Additional photos

the testers who applied last time let me know down below if you’re still interested!!!
Have a magical day!!!


Hello I woud love to test I would probably use black chanel yarn and a 5.5mm hook


Yes please! Would still love to test!


Omg so cute!!! I would love to test for you! I will use a black plush yarn and a 6.00 hook!:heart: Have a great day Mink!:heart:


Aawh, such a cutie! Good luck with testers! :]


That is adorable! I’m sadly busy but I hope you get some amazing testers!


Hi! I’d probably use black velvet yarn and a 3.5mm hook! :green_heart::black_heart::green_heart::black_heart::green_heart::black_heart:

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My black yarn might not come in time, so if it doesn’t I’ll use a dark purple :slight_smile:

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Hanks for calling me lovely!!! Your lovely too!

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Oooh! I’d love to test! I have a few different black yarns (a bulky, a chenielle, and medium acrylic), plus I have a lot of colourful yarn that could be cute as well XD not sure what hook size, likely 2.5-4, depending on the yarn used :smiley::black_heart::dragon_face:

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I am still interested!

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