Time and motivation

Seriously… I have so little time and so many things I need and want to make, but my executive dysfunction is so terrible right now! I have 30 rounds to finish my son’s socks, I have 50 rows plus the border to finish my daughter’s blanket, I have 5 designs (4 each) to catch up on my scrapghan CAL; and I want to make a matching pair of socks for my daughter, finish designing the baby hats I started before she was born, finish designing the sweaters I started right after she was born (y’all, she’s 13 months!), start a top for my birthday (end of Sept), and finally start my son’s birth year temp blanket… I’m sitting here with the socks in my lap, scrolling FB and Ribblr, and telling myself “no starting anything new until one of these 3 are finished: son’s socks, Christening Blanket, or caught up on CAL”… I just want to be able to start the task while the baby is content and I have the time before she loses her mind again!

Sorry rant over, but I’d appreciate good vibes, prayers, and maybe some encouragement :hugs::hugs::heart::heart:


It sounds like where I am at. I have things to do each morning so I don’t feel terrible that I haven’t started crocheting yet, but yet, I sit here reading through the community board. :joy: Now that I’ve written that … I’m gonna start crocheting. :yarn:


After writing it, I did pick up the socks, but only got 4 rows as I need to make lunch for baby and I now… Maybe after lunch she’ll take a nap in a way that allows me to finish the socks…


Yay for 4 rows though!!! :partying_face:


Aw honey……if I was in your shoes, with your chronic illness and it’s waxing/ waning of energy/pain, raising babies, fixing meals, keeping the house clean, laundry done, and ALL THAT.
My brain would go into overload and then implode.

My husband and I started taking care of our grandsons from birth, they are 13 months apart when I was in my 40-he is his mid 50s. I used to have my sh@t together before them, but after? NOPE

Don’t be so hard on yourself. Take your inner turmoil give it to the one who gives you a light yoke.



I hear you. And that’s a wonderful explanation.
I only take one step at a time.
Otherwise you’ll drive yourself nuts.


Thanks! I know my executive dysfunction is caused by several of my illnesses (Lyme and RA both have it commonly, and I’m sure some others), so I try to take heart that it “isn’t my fault” (not that it’s anyone’s fault if they have it)… But it sure gets frustrating! However, having an understanding of why I “procrastinate” is more helpful than just being mad at myself for doing it- I can be mad at the Executive Dysfunction instead haha
I’m super glad my babies are 12 yrs apart, I couldn’t do 13 months! (My mom had 3½, 13months and newborn when my sister was born… NO WAY!) Kudos to you and hubby for taking your grandkids!

Thanks for that! So thankful for our Savior taking our burden?


I have a couple memes/graphics for it since it’s so prevalent in my life… The above explains it quite well, but these seem to explain in a “fun” way


This entire thread has made me hate myself a little less today,
Thank you all so much for sharing your words and experiences.
I mentally yell at myself so much for not being able to attach the want, to the do.
And so many people think all it takes is just “getting up and doing it” and it doesn’t work that way. At all.


Big hugs! ADHD typically have similar issues as Executive Dysfunction, and EFD can be caused by different illnesses or even a head trauma… So please don’t beat yourself up (easier said than done, I know)

Loading Hug GIF by MOODMAN


I am on the Autism Spectrum and I always chaulked it up to the similarities betweeen ASD and ADHD. I had no idea head trauma could do it and the scars from multiple head injuries are now questionable lol I also cracked my head open shattering a 50 gallon fishtank on top of my head when I was 3(I Pulled it off of the top of a china hutch ontop of myself after piling clothes and clohes baskets to get to it). Got staple scars from that to lol


These comments and tips explain a lot. :two_hearts:
It’s getting worse for me these past few months.
Pressure (like hubby being home), usually gets me to do at least the most important parts.
Now I’m full blown procrastinating, leaning a bit to dysfunction.

Hey, at least we are all in good company :two_hearts:


I mean I couldn’t tell you (or anyone) if they have EFD or why… That is just the information I’ve gathered since I’ve learned about it… But if you can relate to this, then that’s all that matters in my mind :woman_shrugging:t3:
Sending hugs and good vibes to do what you need and want to do :hugs:


I know I can occasionally be lazy… And I know I can procrastinate… But when I want to do something (whether an enjoyable thing like playing with yarn or a chore I hate like cleaning) and I just can’t seem to get up/move/change my current task, it really frustrates me… All week I’ve been trying to finish these socks and had a few opportunities that I could have gotten a lot done and instead got maybe ¼ of what I could have done…
For me I know sleep deprivation makes this worse, but having a cold and having a toddler that refuses to sleep well means that sleep deprivation is inevitable right now :woman_facepalming:t3:
Thankfully things like supper haven’t fallen into this struggle right now as we have to eat by 5:15, so depending on what I’m making I tell myself a time I have to start supper and I get up at the at time, no questions (with an occasional time that it takes me 10-15 mins to actually get up, but thankfully I always plan my time based on a 5:00 supper giving myself wiggle room)…

All this random talking that you didn’t ask for/about to say: Glad you feel seen and feel in good company… Good vibes to do what you want/need today!


Thank you! Hope you feel better and get some good nights sleep soon!
It sure does help​:two_hearts:


Yes head trauma can cause a lot of various symptoms depending on where the blow is. I was told I probably had ADHD as a kid and it want diagnosed till I was in my 40s. Locked the keys in the car too many times!


Well my first thought are? Are you looking after yourself:Mental health, selfcare, spending time for yourself and just stepping back and BREATHE. Make a list of what you can achieve i one day without OVERLOAD!!!
REST YOUR HANDS,EYE’S AND AND breathe. Maybe spend 30 minutes doing this list and whats more important finish 1 project first. Close your eyes and deep slow breathing through your belly. Listen to your surroundings and go have lunch or a snack then a cuppa and then go knitting till your hearts content and one more important thing SMILE :smiley: :blush: :grinning: :smile: :grin: :laughing: :smiley: :blush: :grinning: :smile: :grin: :laughing: :smiley: