Hi, i am interested in learning to Knit. I already know how to crochet. Does anyone have any tips. I have these below
the only tutorial that worked for me was the hobby lobby one lol
I didnt know hobby lobby has knitting videos
On YouTube there is a video called a Chrochet era guide to knitting
I’ll check it out
Look up continental knitting! It teaches you to knit while holding like crochet
I started with knit, then crochet, and then continental knitting, and it made knitting so much easier!
Ok sounds good
As someone who quite literally relearned how to knit like 2 days ago to make this frog:
I used this short playlist to just understand the basics:
And whenever I came across some abbreviations and stitches that weren’t covered, I just looked them up on youtube. Honestly I can’t point to a single creator or resource, I just need videos to really learn and most of the time I generally have no issue.
And of course I learned just to make some toys, and maybe some clothes for the toys.
Okay so i know only how to make squares in knitting, but what i do know is dont start with huge needles the first time i try to knit i was so stressed lol because i had like a foot long needles
but i then used small needles and it worked perfectly