Universal Yarn Review

A review of Universal Yarn by Yay for Yarn.
Personally, I love their yarn-bamboo pop is so soft and luxurious- wonderful against your skin. Cotton supreme is soft, and gets softer with washing.
No dye fading that I observed.

I would say this would a low to medium pricing for high quality yarn. Back in the day, when I earned a six figure income, Universal Yarn was my go to.

The best pricing to be found is when Universal Yarn has a clearance sale, or significant percentage off on their website. Also, Premier Yarns online website carries some Universal Yarn.

Don’t bother with eBay or Etsy, most sellers sell the yarn for higher costs than when the above have sales.


I’ll have a look at this when I have time, thanks for the tip with Etsy and eBay! :blush: