Using Things you already have:

Other critical person: Oh! And how much was the washi tape, glitter, glue etc?

You: What the heck, go on now. I’m crafting here.


Me, too. They are handy for projects on-the-go.


I tried the yarn scraps for stuffing when I ran out of polyfil and I really liked it. The finished work just felt much fuller. With soft polyfil you just keep stuffing and stuffing; then your stuffing shows and you need to remove some. Another benefit…it is easy to match or come close to the color of your yarn.


Actually the washi tape was an order wrongly delivered to my home by Amazon so I did not pay for it :wink: the other stuff, I’ve had for years loll


Seriously GIF

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Yeah it’s crazy… I got like 100something rolls delivered to my door that I didn’t pay for :sweat_smile: I kept it for crafts tho, and I still give some away as freebie in orders :rofl:


I also recently discovered bobby pins make great stitch markers. With the little ridges they grip the yarn and don’t slide.


When I inherited my mom’s sewing box. I found she had 3 small plastic wheelie bins with safety pins, machine bobbins and needle threaders.
These wheelie bins started off with sweets in them and my children had given them to her about 20 years ago


Aw, I can imagine. :heart::heart:

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Was it addressed to you, so Amazon had your name and address on the order? That’s a bonus!


It was. I actually had placed an order for a different package from the same seller.


I got a package once addressed to me from a yarn/craft company I have never ordered from. I called to see if they knew who had sent it to me as there was no billing in the package. They said they couldn’t find it or my address in there system and said I could send it back, but I told them, you don’t have my name and address in your system is that correct? Because I didn’t order it, so someone must have ordered it and sent it to me or you would have my order in your system and as a customer my address, and since you don’t you could not have out of the blue just sent it to me, so why would I send it back to you. I still have no clue who sent it to me lol.


Good reasoning!!

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