ways to attatch granny squares

what do you think is the best and easiest way to attach granny squares?
i have some sunburst squares- and i was attempting the mattress stitch because it’s invisible and smooth- but it’s a little rough :skull:
i might keep trying but i don’t want to waste squares if there’s something better-
it’s a blanket btw


You could possibly sc them together?


So a few things…
First~ I moved this to the crochet space so that you might get better answers (feedback/ help is more for the site/ app)
Second~ I’ll warn you that you’ll get a lot of differing opinions, based on personal preferences…

Third~ my opinion…
If you are wanting an invisible join, you’ll pretty much want to keep getting the mattress stitch, which I do personally love…
If the squares are the same color background, you could try one of several including a flat slip stitch (slip stitch through the back loop only of each square) or use the join as you go Granny join…
If the background is different colors you are more likely to have a job that shows if you don’t use the mattress stitch…
I personally love the look of a flat braid join


I agree, everyone has their own preferences
I personally like the join as you go method, but you can’t do that once they are complete
I always suggest doing a mattress stitch in the back loops only for beginners because it’s the easiest to learn
these are the two methods I add to my patterns:


I concur the mattress stitch is my go to


My absolute fave way to join granny squares is the continuous join. But there are so many options, such as whip stitching through the front loop and back loop of the adjoining square, mattress stitch (which I feel is the strongest sewing stitch), join as you go, flat braid joins, slip stutch joins, and so on.


I personally love the look and texture of a sc join.