Weaving in loose ends

This is less loose ends than usual for me, but they are still annoying to get rid of! I used to just use my hook which took forever, now I’m using a tapestry needle which is a lot faster. But if I don’t remember to leave a long end for later it can be hard.

Anyone else hate this step? Sometimes I think I put off finishing a project so I don’t have to weave in the ends yet!


Weaving the ends is a nightmare! A lot of the times, if I only need one side to look pretty, I’ll just leave the ends without weaving them… :sweat_smile:
I always use a tapestry needle, I find that it’s easier for me!


UGH! I hate weaving in the tails!! I crochet tons of hats (mostly top down) and I stitch over the beginning tail as I go, but right now I have a pile of chemo caps and NICU hats that I to weave the end tail in on. I sometimes do that while I’m on a Zoom call. I used to be so good about weaving my tails on my hats in at the end of the day… I don’t know what the heck happened, because I have a pile of them right now!


I love making hats because it’s so easy to hide the tails too! Especially as I’m addicted to adding color to all of my projects. I always try to make a solid colored hat but it usually ends up having stripes. :laughing:


I use a tapestry needle. Periodically, I weave ends in, put a knot on what’s left and that way know to snip off after blocking… if I do have to frog, I snip that knot off to make frogging easier.


That’s a great tip! Hadn’t heard that before.


I try to weave in the ends as i go, crocheting over them. That way finishing a WIP is more enjoyable, having to wave in lots of ends could take the joy out of it pretty fast.


I got a tip from Mikey on crochet crowd. I weave my ends in 3 times in the same place going in the opposite direction each time. You don’t go exactly through the same threads, and I haven’t had any more problems with my ends coming out. I’m doing a picture afghan, and the ends are a nightmare! You can’t carry the colors, because it’s too bulky, and makes the shape go wonky. I think it’s going to take at least a week to just weave the ends in alone.


I love this tip! I’ll try that next time

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I recently found out that in mosaic crochet you don’t need to weave in the ends and is perfect for projects with lots of colours, just saying it might be worth checking out that technique :wink:


Oooh thanks for the new project idea! I’ll be sure to check that out :smiley:


Susan Bates has a special set of yarn needles that are my favorite. They are like a miniature yarn shuttle. One long eye with points on both ends… under $6 for 5 different sizes… really helps with weaving in short tails or tight spots.


Sunday afternoon is weaving ends day while I visit with mom on the phone. After is my designated blocking and putting away stuff for finished projects time too. I found my pile doesn’t build up doing it this way.


I’ve never liked weaving in my yarn tail ends either! I learned some time ago one easy way to do this is:

  1. Weave yarn tail through some stitches of the same color
  2. Tie a small knot around 1 same color stitch
  3. Weave through some more stitches and then snip your yarn tail!
    This is the way I usually sew in my yarn tails, if I can crochet around them I will do that but sometimes that’s not a possibility :blush: I don’t tend to change colors a lot in my projects because I don’t like weaving in my yarn tails :joy: I used to use my crochet hook to weave tails in, but I mostly use this method now :wink:
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