Okay, so since I got a lot of people saying I should do weekly writing prompts (WWP for short :3) this will be the first one. I decided to go with poetry since that’s a preferred writing style of mine.
The writing prompt for this is: Write a poem about something you crave. More so something you crave from someone, like love, affection to be noticed etc.
Here’s mine:
“I crave for your validation,
But why?
It could be multiple reasons
Perhaps it’s something Ive never gotten from you as a kid?
And till this day I still haven’t gotten?
A freshman in high school,
Without their validation from there mother,
I need your validation
No, I want your validation
I feel the need to please you
But that means to pursuit something I don’t want too
And to do things I want to
The need to make you happy and validation
Over powers my need and want to be happy
But why?
Im your daughter,
I crave your validation to make you happy,
Even if that means to have a life I don’t want
Am I stupid for that?
I’m just a girl, wanting her mothers validation that I know won’t ever have,
But yet I crave for it,
And will do anything for it.”
And now let’s here your guys’s :3